Thursday, August 28, 2008

It felt so good!

I had my first rehearsal last night and it went great!!!! I am so excited to get back to acting even though I am a little nervous. Each service I am performing in front of is about 400 people, a lot to start back to, but I am sooooo excited too. And my partner is awesome, I saw him last year and thought he did amazing and now I am opposite him. So, in exactly one month from today I will be performing, woo hoo!!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

10 Weeks!!!!

Today I am officially 10 weeks pregnant!!! I don't have another doctors appointment for another week and a half but today I get to go for blood work, woo hoo. Hopefully this place I am going to does a better job than the hospital. The lady who took my blood there went through my vein and into a nerve and my whole arm had pains shooting through it, it even hurt the next day, that was not fun.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Such A Sap

I woke up this morning, super early of course, ugh, and was getting Cassidy ready for school. I was fine, I wasn't sad or anything, more anxious that we were going to get out of the house at the right time. And I was fine when we got to the school and when she stood in line, and then one of the teachers said "Ok, lets all say bye to mom and dad because we are leaving now" I felt the knot in my throat and held it until I got home and called Will and then I bawled like a baby. I couldn't even stop myself, it was ridiculous!!! I am so proud of her though.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

She's Growing Up So Fast!!!

Tomorrow Cassidy starts first grade!!!! It obviously is not her first time in school so I am not sad, but tonight before she went to bed, I had the little talk with her about how proud I am and how she is going to have fun and how she needs to behave, etc.....and I cried a little. It could be the hormones racing vigorously throughout my body but I still cant believe how fast she is growing up!!!!! And I have to admit, I am a little nervous, she doesn't seem to write her name like she should unless she sits and really concentrates.....I am hoping it is just because it has been a while since she was in school and getting back will have her remember or try harder. We shall see.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

What a difference 2 weeks can make

I think I spoke too soon when I said this pregnancy has been perfect so far, well, besides the actual medical issues I have going on. I haven't had any nausea or anything, maybe just a little tired but that has been it. Until the past 2 weeks!!! I have been so nauseous!!!! I can barely make it through the day. I cannot really eat a meal, I eat small things here and there throughout the day, that seems to be helping a little. But I feel lousy. This is completely different than what I felt with both of the girls so I am hoping that means its a boy :) And to top it all off, my mom was here visiting for a week, I felt so bad, all I wanted to do was lay down on the couch or take a nap :)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Baby Update

Ok, so my due date has been changed yet again, not that bad now, only by a day. The new due date is April 3, 2009. I actually kind of liked the 4th, when I was writing it at the doc appointment today, I wrote 4/4/09, I liked the 4/4 :) And they discussed my test results from the ER the other night, there really isn't anything they can do right now but to keep an eye on everything. I am on meds for my infection, it is a bladder infection. So, I will be getting more routine ultrasounds just to keep an eye on my uterus and the cyst on my right ovary.

Monday, August 11, 2008


So, Will went in to work this morning and put in our orders. He took all the ones that would get us back to Cali and then he will either be going to Kuwait or Afghanistan. We probably wont know what orders went through until September, they normally take about a month to come back. I am excited because I know we will be coming home, but I am nervous for where they send him and when. Only time will tell.....

Sunday, August 10, 2008

A little worried

Today I woke up feeling horrible and started to have sharp shooting pains on and off. So, around 3 we decided to take me to the ER just so they could check me out. After being there for 4 hours and numerous tests and ultrasounds, they told me I had a hemorrhage in my uterus, a cyst on my right ovary and some type of infection. The doc in the ER called my doc and she told me to call her first thing tomorrow, so that's what I will do. I am really scared and worried though!!!! The good thing that happened, I got to see an ultrasound and saw our little pumpkin, the girls saw the pic when I came back to the room, they said "it looks like a spot" haha. So, we have a spot now in my belly :) And I guess I am a week behind what I thought which would put my due date at April 4, 2009 instead of March 26.

Friday, August 8, 2008


Ok, so we don't have official orders but that's only because they just came out tonight and we cannot pick them until Monday. However, there are like 30 picks for San Diego, so Cali here we come, woo hoo!!!! Now the next step, hopefully getting a command that would let Will not deploy until after the birth of our newest one!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Is it a boy?!

Ok, so I know that tests are not always accurate until you get your ultrasound done however, one of the girls at Wills work printed some old wives tales off the internet for us. She swore by the ring test one. You take your wedding ring, tie it to a string and hold it over your belly. If it swings back and forth, it means you are having a girl. If it starts to swing in a circle, it is a boy. So we tried it and it started to swing back and forth for a second but then swung in a circle for the next minute, woo hoo. Then there was the key test. You drop a house key, or any key, on the floor and quickly pick it up. The tale says if you pick it up by the big round top, it is a boy, if you pick it up by the skinny long part, it is a girl and if you pick it up in the middle, then you are having twins. Well, we tried and again, it says we should be having a boy. I know these are not accurate but it gets me pretty excited!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Monkey See, Monkey Do

Cassidy has officially rubbed off on Kendall. Kendall is walking around this afternoon with a pen and paper taking orders like a waitress. She comes up to you and says "eat" and waits for you to say what you want while she writes it down. Cassidy does this from time to time and obviously Kendall finds it fun now :)

Monday, August 4, 2008


Wow, I went to a meeting today so I could get started on homeschooling.......I think I almost had a panic attack!!!!!! I really don't know if I am capable of doing this along with other things we have going on. But if I don't, she gets put into a school district I hate, they have been horrible!!!!! I really don't know what to do but I think I would have a mental meltdown if I did homeschooling!!!!!!! Help!!!!!
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