Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

The girls are so excited that it is finally Halloween. Kendall went to bed last night asking and woke up this morning saying "Halloweeeeeeeen!!!" Cassidy was able to wear her witch costume to school, she looks so cute. After we get back from picking her up from school, we will get Kendall in her ladybug costume and head to the mall for some trick-or-treating. After we are there for a bit, we will head home where I will pass out candy and Will is taking the girls around the neighborhood. I hope you all have a great Halloween!!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

This Is Getting Ridiculous!!!

This morning has been horrible!!! I blacked out maybe 5 times, it was too many to count. I could barely make it off the floor to get Cassidy ready for school and then I had to go to church to watch some kids. The doc at the ER told me it is because I am dehydrated (when we were there last week) and that I needed to tell my doc at my last appointment about what has been going on. It is just crazy that my body is not absorbing any liquid. While in the ER I had 4 IV bags, plus tons of stuff to drink and was STILL dehydrated. One of the girls who watches kids with me on Thursdays is taking medical courses and said they discussed this before and sometimes it could be a lack of potassium. So, hopefully before my next appointment on Tuesday, things wont get that bad, hopefully not as bad as today.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Will Is Having Surgery!!!

He was finally able to get into his follow-up appointment for his sleep study and they scheduled him for surgery on November 20. He is going to have his tonsils taken out and some extra tissue in his throat taken out as well. About a month after that is done, he will do another sleep study to see if this helps at all. The only bummer thing is, since he will be on a soft foods and liquid diet, he may not be well enough to eat Thanksgiving dinner :( At least not the big stuff. The papers he brought home said he will have a lot of scabbing in the back of his throat and he shouldn't eat anything that could damage it in any way. So, jello, pudding and ice cream it is for a while.

Monday, October 27, 2008

We Voted!!!

We finally just got our absentee ballots in the mail today and have marked our ballots. I am so excited, I love voting!!!! They will be sent out in the mail tomorrow and hopefully on November 4, our vote will have made a difference. We got a California ballot since that is our state of residency....and since we will actually be living there again this next year it was nice to vote on their issues!!!

Snow Showers?

Last year we had some flurries on Thanksgiving but didn't even get any real snow until December 4, I only remember that date because that's the day we moved into our new a snow storm, that was crazy!!! But we are getting snow showers today!!! Not flurries or a little dusting, a full on snow shower!!!!! It said it will hit us by this afternoon, I have a feeling this is going to be a long, hard winter. We cant get out of here quick enough to get back tot he west coast!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Another ER Visit

This time I was the patient, and we saw the same doc we did when we took Kendall in on Saturday, haha. This morning I blacked out again, only this time it was really bad and it didn't feel like it was getting any better. So, I crawled my way to the phone and called Will who came home and took me to the hospital. They hooked my up to tons of monitors and an IV. They also gave us an ultrasound, the baby looks great and he said my estimated due date is March 30. The baby looked great and we got some really good pictures as well. After getting to the hospital at 9am, we were finally released at 4pm!!!! It was a long day and I had 4 bags of IV fluid. My blood pressure was going nuts all day, down and up dramatically. They said it seemed as if I was extremely dehydrated, which could not be explained given how much water I drink a day. So, I am supposed to be following up with my doc to see if there is something causing me to be so dehydrated. It has been a long day!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

My Poor Sicky Bug

Friday night after we got home from running errands, including cutting my hair short, Kendall started to have a runny nose and eyes. She didn't look normal so we gave her some medicine before she went to bed. Around 1 in the morning, she woke up screaming in pain saying "I hurt" over and over. So, we brought her into our room to see if she would sleep better with us. That didn't help at all. She just couldn't sleep and started to have a really bad croup cough. At one point it got so bad we took her into the bathroom with the shower on hot so the steam could help her. It did for a while but then she started getting upset that it was too hot in there. So, we just brought her downstairs. Later after Cassidy got up, we ended up taking her into the emergency room. Her fever and croup were just not getting better. She looked so bad too, poor thing. They hooked her up to monitors to keep track of her breathing and heart rate, that all seemed fine, but they could hear her breathing and wanted to treat that. So, they gave her an oral injection of a steroid, it was going to help open up her bronchial tubes I guess, it works as soon as it is taken and lasts for 36 hours. About5 minutes after she took it, she started throwing up and getting agitated and her body was all tense and she was screaming like something really hurt. The doc came in and took her temp, it was almost 103!!!! So, they gave her some Motrin. After that, I sat in the rocking chair and rocked her, she didn't fall asleep but she was so out of it. You could just tell she was so miserable but there was nothing we could do but comfort her. This lasted all night. Then we put the humidifier in her room last night and she slept all night, thank God. Today she still isn't feeling good, but is actually taking a nap. I am sure she has to be tired after being up from 1 am until almost 8pm yesterday!!!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Prayers Needed

Our friends here just had a beautiful baby boy last week. I took them food the other night and I guess right after I left, they received a call from their doctor telling them to come in immediately. I guess their son's thyroid levels were extremely rare and I guess in babies that can actually result in mental retardation if not taken care of. So, they took him in and of course he will be fine however he is going to have to be on medication for the rest of his life. I am sure you can only imagine how hard this is knowing your small baby is going through this. So, please keep them in your thoughts and prayers, they are wonderful people.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Happy Birthday!!!!

Today Will turns 32!!! He has to work today and I watched kids at church but before I went in, I brought him flowers and balloons to work. I know, flowers are not too manly but I wanted to do something and I got Halloween looking flowers so it wasn't girly at all. Cassidy called when she got up this morning and sang to him, it was cute. And tonight he is getting his favorites for dinner. Normally he likes meatloaf and mashed potatoes but instead of meatloaf, he is getting Norwegian meatballs, yummy!!!!! And German chocolate cake, his favorite. Today was also picture day for Cassidy. She looked so cute, we went to Old Navy last night and she got a new outfit and this morning I flat-ironed her hair, she looked so grown up.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

So Gross

I thought Kendall was totally past this stage!!! Yesterday after her nap was over, Will went upstairs to get her and discovered she had crawled out of her big girl bed and into her crib.....and she had taken her poopy diaper off and had fun with it. It was everywhere including all over her!!! We still had her crib up, after we had put her in her big girl bed, we just hadn't taken it down yet. But, Will gave her a bath while I cleaned and sanitized, and then we took her crib down. Her room looks more like a little girls room now :( But, I seriously thought she was past this stage already!!!! She did that at the beginning of this year for a while but quickly got over it. This morning when she woke up, she pointed to the spot where her crib was and said "poop naughty" Hehe

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Will's Sleep Apnea

Will had his follow-up to his sleep study yesterday and they said they had wanted to put him on a breathing machine at night. Normally I think that would help but with it being inevitable that next year he will be going to Iraq, he cant take this machine thing with him and carry it around. So, we are trying to get them to let him have the surgery that would fix it. He has been put in for a consult later next week so hopefully this can take care of that.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Just Have To Deal With It

So the doctors appointment went well yesterday. It took them quite a while trying to find the heartbeat which scared the crap out of me. But, they found it and it sounds good. And I told the doc all that had been going on since my last visit and it seems like I am going to just have to deal with it. My black-outs are from my hormone change and are normal, however it is not fun having it happen frequently. And the rest of the pain has to due with my bruising and the cyst itself. He even pushed on my stomach where my uterus is and it hurt so bad. But, there is nothing they can do about it. And the baby is fine.....just not me, haha.

Monday, October 6, 2008

More Complications

Yesterday I went to Walmart early in the morning to try to get some pictures developed on my camera. While I was there I blacked out twice. It was horrible and of course, all of the guys who were around didn't bother asking if I was ok, they just stared at me like I was crazy. The whole thing lasted for about 30 minutes and then I was fine. After that, when I got home, we got ready and went to the zoo. The USO had a free military day so we decided to get out of the house for once and take the girls, it was fun. But, I don't think it was good on me. I was in quite a bit of pain by the time we got home. Then later on when we were eating dinner, I moved toward Will, to try to steal his soda I can never drink, haha, and up near my rib it felt like something popped/ripped apart. It didn't hurt too much but after about 5 minutes it got pretty bad. That lasted all night long. It isn't too bad this morning and thankfully I have a doctors appointment this afternoon.

Friday, October 3, 2008

No Sleep So Far

Surprise, surprise, here I am up late again not being able to sleep. I know I will be paying for it again tomorrow. At least it is a Saturday.

Cassidy was supposed to have her very first spelling test today but they didn't end up doing it. She would have done awesome though, we went over all of her words before she went to school this morning and she knew all of them, I still am in denial she is of school age let alone old enough to be taking a spelling test.

Tomorrow is Justin's memorial, his Aloha Nui Loa and where will I be? In freezing cold Illinois. I want to go so bad but all these complications are grounding me from almost everything these days. I just really want to be there........

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Terrible Two's

I swear the day that Kendall turned two she realized she can now go through her terrible two's stage. She is driving me nuts!!! She kicks and screams and throws things and takes toys from anyone. I discipline her of course however it only works so much. We have been putting her in the chair we have in our living room and that is her time out chair. If we tell her to go sit in the chair, she will go and calm down and be done, but she does it over and over and over.

Things are still not better with Justin. I just don't know how to get over this...........
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