Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Operation Hero

Yesterday was Cassidys first day at her Operation Hero club. It is an after school club for military kids to try to help them have an easier transition and to make friends. She had a great time and is so excited to go again tomorrow. It is twice a week right after school. I also had a meeting with her teachers and some specialists yesterday to try to help her in school and after speaking with them, they will be assessing her for the next 30 days and then we will meet again to discuss an action plan. So, everything with her is going good. Will is doing good as well. He just sounds really tired when I talk to him and he has a lot on his plate. He said we can come see him this weekend so I am planning on taking the girls down there on Saturday to spend some time with him, unless I am in labor or have had the baby, we will see. It seems like I keep saying that but nothing happens, lol.

Monday, March 23, 2009

First Day Without Daddy

I wish Cassidy was still at the same age Kendall is. When she was that age and Will would deploy somewhere, it was so much easier. Kendall has asked for Will and I tell her that he is bye bye for a little while and she seems to be ok with it and goes about her day. Cassidy however is not dealing so well. I found her hiding behind the couch today crying. I think a lot of it has to do with the transition she has already had to make since moving here, I just wish it was easier on her. I talked to Will tonight though and he said we can come see him this weekend so that should help them. He is doing good too, having to get up really really early though. Bu, they put him in charge of 90 guys. I thought it was good, that it means they think he is the type to lead but he said he just wanted to get through the school and keeping track of 90 guys is just an added responsibility he doesn't really want. I hope he knows deep down though it means he is doing a good job. I have been having a lot of contractions and pains tonight so we will see where that goes............

Sunday, March 22, 2009

What A Day

Today started out great. We went to my Aunt Mickie's to celebrate my cousin Jessica's birthday. It is always fun times at their house!! Cassidy and Kendall had so much fun they didn't want to leave. Then after we got home, Will packed his things and headed out for the next 2 weeks. Cassidy was fine until bed time and then she broke down. And of course hearing her cry made me cry but I have managed to calm her down for the most part. This is the first time he has left for a while since she has been older, she was always so young before and didn't quite get it so it has been harder. And I could tell it really affected Will too, I know he doesn't like to see or here her cry. But we are so proud of him and know he will do great and before we know it we will be back under the same roof!!!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Kite Day and Bad News

Today was kite day at Cassidys school so Kendall and I went to watch and then got to have lunch with Cassidy, it was pretty nice. There was a couple of times when she just wanted to be with her friends and not be near me which made me sad but I am glad she has friends. Now for the bad news, Will just got home and let me know that he has to leave Sunday night and wont be home for 2 weeks. So, it looks like I am having this baby without him. I am scared of doing it alone. My mom said she would come to help out but she cant be here all the time so I am sad. I hate this part of the military!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Baby Update

I had a doctors appointment today and everything looks good. He didn't check if I was dilated at all. It is kind of nice, the nurses always ask if I want him to. I tend to say no because it is no fun but Will was there and told them yes, however, the doctor didn't. He measured my stomach and I am measuring 36 which is 2 weeks behind what I am, and we listened to the heartbeat and felt her head through my stomach, he lets us do it every time and it is pretty cool. After that we went to his office and he prescribed me with Calcium to help with my heartburn and then it was done. So, we don't know if I am dilated and if I am how far along I am. I have been having some pretty big contractions lately though so hopefully soon............

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St.Patricks Day!

Today Will gets his annual yummy corned beef and cabbage dinner. The house smells so yummy!!! I have made meals here already of course but nothing big so this is our first real big meal in the house. And I get to use the pot I bought after Christmas. When my mom was at our house in Illinois she tried to make some Norwegian soup I had been craving but our pots were all so small. So, we went to Sears and I got a huge pot to make soups and things in so I finally get to use it now :) I don't want Hayley to be born on St.Patricks day however, hopefully the next time I write it will be to let you all know she is finally here!!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Sea World

Today was a great day. We took the girls to Sea World. Cassidy has had a hard transition lately and we knew they could use a little fun just for them since everything has been about moving and unpacking lately. The weather was perfect, not too hot or too cold. And we even had dinner with Shamu, it was awesome. The last thing we did before we came home was see Shamu Rocks and I think we were sitting next to Snoop Dog, lol. No seriously, the guy looked identical to him and even sounded like him. The only thing throwing us off was he was not with his wife and kids (at least the ones we have seen on tv), but he was with a lady and 3 kids. I shamelessly took a picture when he wasn't looking, lol. We are exhausted now too, I have had some very strong contractions as well so we will see where that goes.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Not Everyone Is Thrilled With Cali

The worst part of motherhood for me is seeing one of my kids sad and there is really nothing I can do about it. Today was one of those days. It started out normal, I had a doctors appointment to meet my new doc and Cassidy had school. Things went pretty smoothly. When I picked up Cassidy she said she wasn't feeling good and I could see the runny nose and watery eyes already. It has since progressed and is worse now. However, that is not the feeling bad I am talking about. Tonight Will was helping her with homework and she just sat there staring at her paper after a while and tears started streaming down her face. Will tried to ask what was wrong but didn't get anything from her so I stopped doing the dishes and had her come to the kitchen. I asked what was wrong and she broke down saying she wanted to go back to her old house. So, I out the dishes on hold for a little while and sat on the couch with her. She says she misses her friends at church and doesn't like it here. There has been a girl named Yasmine who is picking on her, I even saw a her try to hit Cassidy with her luggage like backpack one afternoon as I was picking her up, but I know she has made some friends. We just had to have the talk that it takes a while for you to get used to a new place and new friends. I guess I was so happy moving back her I just assumed the kids would follow suit and be happy. Will and I had already decided earlier in the week that we would take the girls to Sea World on Saturday because we hadn't done anything just for them since we got here and I am glad we decided on that, I think she needs a little downtime from all this moving/unpacking business. I have been slacking on the rest of the boxes and almost have her room done but now know that I need to get it done quicker, maybe it will help her feel more at home.
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