I really need to get better at posting blogs!!!!! Lets see, since the last time I posted not too much has happened. Cassidy had her yearly check-up at the doc and she is doing fabulously!!! She is 44 pounds and 45 inches. The doc did mention however that she is very "loose". He held her arm and shook it for us and her hand and everything just seemed to flop everywhere. He said in kids where their muscles are loose, they can get worse growing pains than other kids. Not a big deal, I guess we just give her tums at night if she complains about being sore or hurting in her legs and such. I just feel bad, she has complained sometimes that her legs hurt, it seems to be when we are out shopping or just walking around and I always thought she just wanted to take Kendall's place in the stroller or because she wasn't having fun, now I feel bad that she could have really truly been hurting, that made me feel like the worst mom in the world. She also had a dentist appointment and she has her very first cavity. We took her back 2 days later to have it filled......that didn't go so well. After the shot to numb her, she refused to open her mouth or lay back in the chair. So, we had to reschedule for later this month and supposedly they will be giving her a special drink that knocks her out a little, we will see how that goes. Kendall went to the dentist as well but she is fine, has perfect little teeth. Hayley is getting chubbier every day it seems and she is smiling and cooing a lot more as well, she is such a little angel baby!!!! I got my haircut, woo hoo. Allie (my friends sister) did an amazing job, it is short in the back, maybe 1/2 inch below the nape of my neck and it angles down and hangs on my shoulders in the front. She also did blonde highlights and I feel fantastic. I don't do the style as well as she does but I feel like I look 10 times better than before. Nothing new with Will really, just back to work, coming up on a some field time which means he is gone for a bit, but not too long. Now, lets see if I can keep up with this blog :)
Sour Cream Banana Bread
3 days ago