I never thought I would be sitting here writing about my sick child, it really bothers me. This past Saturday morning, Cassidy got up early so we could take her and my mom to the airport to go visit my sister and her kids. Cass came to sit on my lap so I could snuggle her and before I knew it, her whole body got super stiff and her head slowly started turning towards me. Her eyes were glazed over and halfway back in her head and she was making this weird noise. I thought she was doing something weird at first, just messing around but I suddenly realized, my baby isn't breathing!!!!!!! I screamed "Oh my God, she isn't breathing" and as those words came out of my mouth, she started having a seizure. My mom came rushing in and Will ran over, they got her to floor. I left the room to go call 911 and my mom stayed in the living room with her. The seizure lasted for about 2 minutes and then she laid there, not moving and completely "lost", she wouldn't respond to anyone. It seemed like the ambulance took forever to get to the house and once they did, they took her vitals and next thing I knew, we were in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. They hooked her to an iv, took blood and gave her a cat scan there. Then we were transferred to the Children's Hospital of Orange County (CHOC). After an EEG, an MRI plus the neurologist bringing on another seizure, it was determined that she has Epilepsy. She is doing ok, she is on meds two times a day and we are having to put restrictions on some activities. I am completely freaked out and wanting to wake up from this. I keep thinking, my beautiful healthy little girl doesn't have Epilepsy, there is no way!!!! I am scared for the future, scared of this disease!!!!!!!!!
Sour Cream Banana Bread
3 days ago