Thursday, October 29, 2009

Will's Home!!!!!

Last night Will finally got to come home!!!! The girls we ecstatic of course, and so was I :) He was filthy and smelly but he got a ton of hugs and kisses anyway :) I swear he had so much dirt in his ears, poor guy. I am sure his hot shower was the best thing in the world at that moment :) So, we are back to normal, well, as normal as we get :) We have a lot planned in the next couple of weeks, or should I say months since Christmas is right around the corner, aagghh :)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Public schools, ugh!!!!

So, when Cassidy started her second grade school year here, it was only a week after she had her seizure and was diagnosed with Epilepsy. The day before school started I sat down with the administrators and went over my needs for Cassidy while at school. One of the many things we decided on was no playing on the playground until we knew her meds were working properly, no contact sports and no running. It has since been 2 months and recently I sat down with her teacher and discussed a new action plan. Cassidy would be allowed to play on the playground, as long as someone was able to be out there supervising her so if she started to not feel good or went into a seizure, they would be there to help. I was told that was no problem. I just now received a phone call from the nurse expressing her feelings that Cassidy should not be allowed to play on the playground and that was the safest thing for her. I told her about my conversation with her teacher and she said there is no possible way someone could supervise Cassidy, and in the same sentence she said supervision is only for kids with specific health concerns. Ummm, hello, she has a specific health concern!!!!! This is really starting to make em mad, I am her mom, I am the one looking out for her and right now through her school I feel like I am being bullied into letting them choose for me.

Monday, October 26, 2009

A horrible 24 hours!!!

Ok, so I think the only symptom I am missing from the swine flu is a fever. This is horrible whatever it is!!! I have had a minor cough for about a week, it was so minor I thought nothing of it. Then on Sunday while we were camping it started to get worse. After we got home, it felt like it just exploded. I cough so much it is hard to breathe sometimes and my chest and throat are both killing me. I ended up only getting 3 1/2 hours of sleep last night, and even what I got I wouldn't consider real sleep. It seemed like every time I went to lay down it would get worse and I would be up coughing (and eventually getting sick), yuck!!! Today I feel even worse but am so exhausted so hopefully I get some sleep tonight. Normally I can handle it when Will is gone but for some reason, the past 2 weeks have been a living nightmare, I really need him home!!!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Yesterday afternoon my Aunt called and about an hour later we were camping. There is a nice little campground one exit down from the base, it was really nice. A lot of family and friends were there and Cass was showing off the whole night. She was singing and dancing and just having a great time. Hayley wasn't too thrilled though. She just loves being home with her bed and her things so the getting her to sleep was a little rough but after laying with her on the couch, forehead to forehead and her little hand resting on my cheek, she was out and my heart was a puddle. I have been very emotional after having her but I also think just knowing this is our last and this will be the last time for a lot of those things, it makes me even more emotional. If we could afford it and my body could handle it, I think I would be ok with 20 or so kids :)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Oh life!!!

This week has been crazy!!! Both the girls and I had been feeling a lot better so we were able to go about our normal schedule, and then Thursday hit. I got up and went to MOPS after dropping Cass off at school and that's when the you know what hit the fan. On the way home from picking her up at school I started feeling sick. When we got home, it was not pretty. I could only go for maybe 10 minutes and then get sick again. Cass was all worried and Kendall cries whenever anyone throws up so she was freaking out too. And I don't think it helped that Hayley spit up some of her food right after I did, Kendall was a wreck at that point. I don't think I have ever seen anyone so terrified of puke!!! Luckily Friday was better, I was actually able to function and today hasn't been bad, I just cant stop coughing which is just plain annoying!!! This morning was crazy though. I had a parents meeting for the girl scout troop and this one lady brought her 6 kids!!! They were nuts, they got into our food and started eating it all and broke our grandfather clock and blinds. Not to mention the hitting and name calling towards all the other kids there. Poor Kendall got it the worst since she was the smallest. And what was their mom doing the whole time? Nothing!!!! I was so shocked, she did absolutely nothing!!!!! Everyone else was parenting her kids to no avail, they would just laugh at you. One of the little girls said she didn't want to be in girl scouts anymore because of this and I promised her it would never be like that again, those kids wouldn't be coming to the meetings. My house was so neat and clean and now ti looks like someone broke in, ugh. Time to relax and hopefully get rid of this darn cough!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

It's official!!!

I am officially the troop leader for Cassidy's Girl Scouts troop. Needless to say, I am a little freaked out!!! She wanted to join but I never thought I would be the one leading, lol. This Saturday we are going to have a parent info meeting at the house so everyone can get to know who I am and then starting on November 6 and every other week after that, we will have meetings at MY house, aaaaggggghhhhh. Luckily Will is gone or I would get the shameful head shake. He always says that I volunteer for too much and cant say no. Which is true, and it is both a blessing and a curse :) I love helping out and it makes me happy if I can help others but I try to help everyone and sometimes I get stretched waaaay too thin. And on top of it, I think I am going to be starting EMT school. It will take me a long time to get my degree for clinical psychology so I thought in the meantime, I could be an EMT, I could work the graveyard shift and help bring in some money around here. And working in the middle of the night would let me have the days with my girls and hubby and not feel like I am missing out on anything. Except maybe my sanity :)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Will's gone and the house is sick!!!!

I swear, it's like life knows when Will is getting ready to leave, lol. The day before he left I was sicker than a dog. I knew it was only the beginning of things to come. Of course I get sick, followed by Cassidy which then gets passed on to Kendall and from holding Hayley it was inevitable that she got sick as well. It has just been a blah kind of week. I stayed home from Community Group, MOPS and church, I don't want to be the person infecting all of San Clemente with whatever this is :) However, this week we are starting to feel better, woo hoo. Well actually I started feeling better over the weekend so I actually got a little me time in :) On Friday night I went with my friend Kristi and her mom Linda to the Improv in Brea, we saw Craig Shoemaker.....he is hilarious!!!!!!!!! And then Saturday my mom and I got up super early, way too early, and had a garage sale. We should have just slept in!!!! There was no one out looking for garage sales, it was nuts!!!! The only good thing that came out of it was my grandfather clock :) There was a girl down the street having a garage sale, she has a long sad story of why she was selling everything, but she said that it had been in her family for 40 years and she didn't want her soon to be ex-husband to get his hands on it so she was selling it. I wasn't going to spend the money on it, I was having a garage sale to make money not to spend it, but later in the day she walked down to the house and asked if I just wanted it for free. I guess no one wanted it and again, she didn't want her soon to be ex to have it. So, we gave her $20, we felt bad she was just giving it away and now I have a grandfather clock in my front room :) I feel like such a grown up, hahaha. So now that we are all feeling better, things should go back to normal this week. The only one left a little sick is me and its mainly just an annoying cough. I could guarantee though if Will was here, we wouldn't have been sick, it never happens when he is home, only while he is gone. I guess God knows how much I can handle all at once by myself so He gives it to me :)
By the way, and I by no means meant to put this last, but it was also Wills birthday on Friday!!! He is now a stunning young 33 year old man, we will celebrate after he comes back home, woo hoo.

Friday, October 9, 2009

A Beach Birthday and Re-Enlistment

Ok, I really need to get better about this whole blogging thing!!! But I can thank my new friend Launa for this one, I have the link to our website at the bottom of my e-mails and she said she couldn't get onto it today which made me get on it and FINALLY update this thing, so thank you Launa :) Anyways, lets see what has happened since the last time. Last weekend we had a beach bonfire birthday party for Kendall, that would be party number 2 for her this year, haha. The first thing we did was Pretend City with Grandma and dinner and cake and the whole shebang. Then last weekend we did the bonfire party, lets just say it went smoothly, that's a good word for it. I never knew how much wood you need for a bonfire!!! It seemed like we bought plenty, and maybe 2 hours later when we had no fire and started freezing, we quickly realized it was not enough, lol. But Will saved the day, or at least another hour, by scavenging the riverbed for wood :) However, even with the lack of wood, we still had a great time with the family!!!!!

And today was a milestone in Will's Navy career. He re-enlisted for 2 more years. We weren't actually planning on re-enlisting, for the past 7 years he has just extended until we were able to re-enlist and get a bonus. But, they said in order for us to keep our orders here, he would have to re-enlist for at least 2 years. It turned out well though, he gets to go to another school for re-enlisting as well which is what he wanted. The ceremony was nice too. The guys in his command all went outside into formation and they read him his honorable discharge and maybe a minute later his re-enlistment. He was a civilian for a whole minute, haha!! And then they read me my certificate, and of course I wanted to cry, thank God for sunglasses!!! I even got a certificate too, awwww.

So anyways, this hopefully catches up to our lives and I think I have said it in numerous other posts, I promise to blog more...........or you can always remind me :)
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