Ok, I really need to get better about this whole blogging thing!!! But I can thank my new friend Launa for this one, I have the link to our website at the bottom of my e-mails and she said she couldn't get onto it today which made me get on it and FINALLY update this thing, so thank you Launa :) Anyways, lets see what has happened since the last time. Last weekend we had a beach bonfire birthday party for Kendall, that would be party number 2 for her this year, haha. The first thing we did was Pretend City with Grandma and dinner and cake and the whole shebang. Then last weekend we did the bonfire party, lets just say it went smoothly, that's a good word for it. I never knew how much wood you need for a bonfire!!! It seemed like we bought plenty, and maybe 2 hours later when we had no fire and started freezing, we quickly realized it was not enough, lol. But Will saved the day, or at least another hour, by scavenging the riverbed for wood :) However, even with the lack of wood, we still had a great time with the family!!!!!
And today was a milestone in Will's Navy career. He re-enlisted for 2 more years. We weren't actually planning on re-enlisting, for the past 7 years he has just extended until we were able to re-enlist and get a bonus. But, they said in order for us to keep our orders here, he would have to re-enlist for at least 2 years. It turned out well though, he gets to go to another school for re-enlisting as well which is what he wanted. The ceremony was nice too. The guys in his command all went outside into formation and they read him his honorable discharge and maybe a minute later his re-enlistment. He was a civilian for a whole minute, haha!! And then they read me my certificate, and of course I wanted to cry, thank God for sunglasses!!! I even got a certificate too, awwww.
So anyways, this hopefully catches up to our lives and I think I have said it in numerous other posts, I promise to blog more...........or you can always remind me :)