This fourth of July I was honored to be able to make some cupcakes for a friend of mine and in doing so, I was also invited to be a part of the festivities. My girls were super excited, they were able to spend the entire day in the pool.
I know it may seem ordinary for kids to be in the pool but this was a huge thing for us. Because of my oldests Epilepsy, she is not supposed to be in water. Don't get me wrong, people with Epilepsy are allowed to be in water but it can be deadly. And I feel a little blessed in the fact that she hates water. Ever since she was little, she has been massively fearful of water and would not go in so when she was diagnosed and we were told the dangers of her swimming, we were actually ok with it. I felt like God made her scared of water because he knew that one day, it could be dangerous for her. However, the house we were at has a hot tub and the water temperature was the same as the pool. She started by putting her feet in, then moved to the steps and eventually was touching bottom in the middle. Granted, the water maybe touched her shoulders at that point but that is a huge step for her!!! I was pretty proud. My middle child who is scared of absolutely nothing was a little fearful at first but before we knew it, she was swimming like a little fish. And my youngest was the least fearful of all. She was in a little round fish floater and I just kept hearing "look at me, I kickin' back" and "I swimmin momma", she had a blast. And not only was it at a dear friends house, my family was there too. The girls got to hang out with cousins and my Aunt and Uncle, which is always a good time!
And the best part? We didn't have to go anywhere for fireworks. The fireworks are shot off basically in their backyard. So, after a short sing along by ukulele, we sat around the pool holding on to sweet babies and taking in a wonderful patriotic display. It was a great time. Thank you Mollie for having my girls and I over for the celebration!!!