Tuesday, March 20, 2012

These Days Are Numbered

I am actively seeking employment but until I do land that job, I am enjoying these days because they are indeed numbered! Today I took my youngest to the mall, we had to get a birthday present and were looking for her perfect Princess dress for her upcoming Princess party. We had a fantastic time, I tried on some clothes and she told me I was pretty, we ate lunch at a Cafe and shared a cookie for desert. My little one saw the Easter bunny from the upstairs balcony and screamed "hi Easter Bunny!!!!!!", he looked right at her, waved and blew a kiss, this blew her mind!! She squealed and yelled that this was indeed the best day ever. But she didn't want to keep it all to herself, she decided that she wanted to get some chocolates for her sisters, how could I say no to such generosity. I watched her walk all proud with a Disney bag in one hand and chocolates in the other and was on awe. I have an amazing little girl and have felt blessed that I have had this time up spend with her. It will be hard going back to work and not having my days with just her, so for now I am completely enjoying them!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Planning A Princess Party

I have always said I would be one of those parents who kept their kids birthdays low key so they don't get too spoiled. I feel I have done that so far, the girls choose what they want to do and we do it but it has never been over the top. My youngest turns 3 in a couple of weeks and today I asked what she wanted, it was simple....a pink princess party. Easy enough right? Easy enough until you start searching for ideas on Pinterest!!!! So many adorable, fun things, how on earth do I choose? She would be fine with it being simple but I want to rock this party!!! I am slowly turning into the mom who throws mega parties, either that or I am bored and need to get out more :) Look how cute this stuff is though!!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Dental Adventures

When I was growing up, my mom never had dental insurance. Well, she did once and I had a filling put in but then we stopped going. I have since been and have plenty of work needing to be done in my mouth, it seems never ending. I am excited that my kids are able to go and not wait like I have had to. However, it is so expensive!!!! My amazing sister-in-law said it best, dental insurance is less like insurance and more like a coupon. This is so very true. My oldest is at the age now that we have started to see an orthodontist. And yes, we are talking braces. She still needs to wait for those so for now they are installing an expander for her overbite. Apparently the bone that sits right below your nose does not fuse together until the age of 12 so they can put in this expander and slowly crank it open over the course of a year. It separates the bone to widen the mouth and the bone will then fuse together later giving less of an overbite. Step 1 is spacers, tiny little blue things stuck between her teeth apparently holding the space where the metal spacers will go in a couple of weeks. As expensive as this us turning out to be, I am pretty excited that my girl has an opportunity to get the gorgeous smile I never got. And as nervous as she is, she is pretty excited too!!!!

Monday, March 12, 2012


You hear all the time how hard it is to get a job in this economy but I don't think any one truly ever realizes that until they are actually looking for one. I have my cupcake business and my new job making fabulous purses for LexiWynn, but neither us enough to solely support me and my kids. So, I am looking for a job and it isn't easy. Without a great degree and tons of experience, no one wants you or are willing to pay the amount if money I need to make. It us super frustrating, but at the same time, I know things will work out and my girls and I will be ok. Until then, you can find me here, doing this........

Saturday, March 10, 2012


Last week I turned 30. I never thought of myself as the person who freaks out at getting older but this time, I did. Not just because I am officially out of my twenties but I feel lost, starting all over at this age freaks me out. I know I am in no way "old" but starting a new life at this age can make you feel this way. So, to get my mind off things, I went away to Vegas with some friends and family. We had this planned for quite some time and I was extremely happy to get away for the weekend. We all had a great time and I will never forget it. I was also able to see my friend who moved out there last year, if was do nice seeing her!!! I cannot wait to make our yearly trip again next year or maybe I will have to go again before then :)


Hello blogging world, I am back. Here's the deal, our laptop hook a dive a while ago. I had planned on buying a new one and then for Christmas, my mom bought me a sweet tablet. I thought all would be well but it turns out, blogger hates my tablet and refused to let me do anything. I eventually gave up, I guess I could live without blogging. I was mainly sad about my cupcake blog, what good is an online business without a website? I recently bought an iPhone and thought I could blog from there but yet again, no such luck. Then, as I was laying in bed last night, almost asleep, my eyes popped open and I had an epiphany......app!!! There is an app for everything and yes, there is a blogging app!!!!! I am elated, not that blogging is my life but not bring able to blog my cupcakes had stressed me out some. So, here I am, I hope some people have stuck by me and still read this!!!!! I will be updating as much as I can. Here is a most recent family picture for starters, enjoy :)
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