Well, Will talked to his career counselor and they told him the soonest we could be out of here and back in Cali is January. That's sooner than before but not as soon as we had hoped. So, here is my dilemma. I can home school Cassidy for first grade, it wouldn't bother me and we could leave in January....but we would have to drive our cars and you all know how bad the weather can be that time of year. Or, we just wait and have things go the way they were originally. Will could leave here in March and we would stay until June for Cass to finish her first grade here and then we would come out. The only thing I don't like, besides it being too long to wait, lol, is that Will would leave to go overseas before we could come out there to be with him :( So, I guess I have a lot of thinking to do!!! Any thoughts or suggestions could help :)
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