Dropping off Cassidy at school today was rough!!! She started crying when we were still in the car, telling me "I don't want to go to school". I told her she had to, it was Friday and she would have the next two days off. She was pretty upset still when she got out of the car, I gave her hugs and kisses and told her she needed to go to her line for her class and she made it half-way there, then turned around waving and crying. As I was getting into the car, she ran to me crying even harder. I got out, gave her more hugs and tried to ask her what was wrong. A little boy came up and said "she does that everyday, she always says she wants her mommy". I ended up parking the car and taking her into the office to see the school social worker. We were able to go into her office and try to calm her down enough for her to go to class. It really didn't help any. The lady asked her if she didn't go to school, how was she going to learn and she said "my mommy can teach me at home". After about 7 minutes of us trying to calm her down, the lady decided I needed to leave because my presence was only making her want to go home even more. She told me to give her a quick hug and kiss good-bye and that she would help her after that. So, I picked Kendall up and gave her hugs and kisses, told her I loved her and would see her later and proceeded to walk out of the room. As I was closing the door she started screaming like someone was killing her, begging me "don't leave me here, I want to go home", I felt like I was such a bad mom!!!!!! The lady called a little over an hour after I left and said she had finally calmed down and was in a classroom with another teacher who was helping her with her work. I guess she told them she didn't like her new teacher because she makes her learn things she doesn't understand. So, I guess we will go from here. She has been so attached to me lately, I think it has a lot to do with the new baby, so I am going to go out somewhere with just her tonight so we can talk and she can feel like she is still special. But man, what a morning!!!
Sour Cream Banana Bread
3 days ago
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