Thanksgiving ended up being interesting. I was stirring the potatoes, which the water for was just boiling, and I must have stirred too hard when they jumped out of the pot, spilling all over my hand!! I immediately put my hand under cold water but as soon as I would take it out, it felt like it was on fire!!! So, after that happening for 10 minutes and me crying (it hurt!!), we took me to the ER. The ended up putting cream on it and bandaging it up. And they sent us home with more so Will could do the dressing changes. But, after that we got to come home and eat, yummy!!!!!! Even my pumpkin pie rocked!!! Then this morning, I woke up to find large chunks of hair on my bathroom floor!!! Will said he asked Cassidy, the only one up at the time if she did it and she said no. Yeah right. So, I questioned her and of course, she admitted it and showed me where she took the chunks from. It looks horrible!!!! But, I am hoping it will blend in when I do it. Nonetheless, another exciting day in the Hall household!!!
Sour Cream Banana Bread
3 days ago
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