It has been a long time since I wrote last and in that time, I had the baby!!!! Hayley Marie Hall was born on April 3 at 2:43pm. April 3 was actually the due date they gave me after one of my ultrasounds so she came on her due date, that has been a first for me. And the labor was amazing. I woke up that morning and thought I just had bad gas, lol. I called my mom and my sister and told them both I thought I just had gas, but thankfully my mom decided to come and be with me anyways. And it was a good thing that she did. She got here around 11:30 or so after picking Cassidy up from school and we headed to the hospital. I had already called Wills command to let him know we were going, however I wasn't sure I was in labor. We got to the hospital a little before one. The nurse on staff let me know that if I was not at 4 cm that they wouldn't admit me but that I could feel free to walk the hospital before going home. So, they checked me and I was exactly at 4 cm, that was at 1:15 and I was officially admitted. So, if you do the math from the time I was admitted to when she was born, it was only an hour and 28 minutes. However, I wasn't in any real pain until about 15 minutes before she was born. Around 2:30 I had asked if there was any other type of meds they could give me for the pain besides an epidural. I was not going to get one of those no matter what but the pain started to get really bad. And at one point I was on oxygen because they couldn't find the babies heart rate on the monitor and they became nervous. The next time they checked me I was at 7 cm, I guess they paged the peds doc to let him know where I was at and to be ready in a couple of hours, lol. Little did he know that 2 minutes later he would be getting a page that I was at 9 and feeling pressure to push. He ran up to my room and the look on his face was complete shock. One good push and she was out. It was pretty funny, a little later before they were going to move me to my new room, I heard 2 of the docs talking. One was commenting on how Hayley has such a nice shaped head, which is odd for natural birthed babies since their head is normally coned or a little odd shaped from being pushed through the birth canal. The other doc, the one who ran up just in time for her arrival then said "well, I wouldn't say she was pushed out, I would say the baby came shooting out like a torpedo" lol. I guess I did a good job in the pushing department :) So, all in all, a very good, easy birth, if you call birth easy. Oh, and she weighed 7 pounds 11 ounces and was 19 inches long. Our biggest baby yet!!! I was able to breastfeed as well right after however, she started to lose a lot of weight and I was told to put her on formula. It has almost been 3 weeks since her birth and she is still not back to her birth weight so they are keeping an eye on her, I have had a lot of doc visits at the hospital. She is healthy and not in any real danger, they just want to keep an eye on her. So, that is what has been going on in our household. Will is still going to the field med school and isn't able to come home. He maybe gets a couple of hours on the weekend but that is it. I will be happy when he graduates!!! He is doing great though and is doing excellent on his tests, I am so proud of him.