So, as I have mentioned before, after birth Hayley lost quite a bit of weight and was having a hard time getting it back on. So, that means we have had numerous doc visits since then and so on Friday I had to be back to have her checked out. While there they weighed her and she had lost more weight!!! So, they immediately admitted her to the hospital. Thank God for my mom and husband!!! My mom picked up Cass from school and came to the hospital and Will was able to get there too, right before my mom showed up. Seeing them made me cry but if they hadn't been there, I don't know what I would have done. My mom took Cass and Kendall back home and they had a party (Kendall cant stop talking about her party with Grandma) while Will and I stayed with Hayley. They did a catheter on her to get a urine sample and she was put on a strict feeding schedule. She started doing really well with the preemie nipples they were using. So, I was told to get those nipples for home as well because she was working too hard with the other nipples I was using and was using too many calories to try to eat. We were discharged on Saturday afternoon and I was back there again yesterday for a follow-up. She had gained some weight so the doc was very happy, and I was too!!! She still has a murmur and I guess it has gotten stronger so they are wanting me to take her to a cardiologist. It has been a very scary weekend!!!!
Sour Cream Banana Bread
5 days ago
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