Sunday, May 31, 2009


Yesterday was a beautiful and hard day all rolled into one. My beautiful niece Kayla turned 1!!!! She is so darn cute and loved eating her cake, I think her hands were blue for a little while after :) It was really good seeing her momma Brandi as well. Of course, the difficult part was not having Justin there to see his little girl reach a big milestone. I know he would have been so proud. They planted an avocado tree in the backyard too and spread some of his ashes before putting the tree in. Since I was not allowed to come to his service back in September because of doctors orders, this was the first time I had actually "let him go". It hurt so bad. I just really want him here, to be able to see him hold his little girl and to hear him say I love you again. I would give anything.....................

Monday, May 25, 2009

A Very Busy Weekend!!!!

The weekend actually started Thursday night. My sister and her 4 kids flew in and my mom and I went to the airport to pick her up. It was well after midnight when we got back to the house but Kendall woke up the minute she heard kids in the house :) On Friday we all went out to my moms graduation from the University of La Verne. It was a nice ceremony and we were able to sit front row on the right side of the stage, which also meant that the kids had plenty of room to run. They had a lot of fun playing together and then some huge kid, or should I say teenager, fell right on top on Kendall. And it wasn't a light fall, he fell hard. He knocked the wind right out of her and she kept saying her head hurt and she wanted to go to sleep. Great!!! So, we had to keep her up for at least another hour just to make sure she didn't get a concussion. After we got home and the kids were in bed we celebrated. Or at least I did, lol. I did some tequila shots and we all sat around talking. Then on Saturday, Cassidy turned 7!!!!!!!!! I still cant believe that she is 7 already!!!! We didn't do much, but the kids got to play and we had a BBQ. Growing up my sister had a friend Ashley and she wanted to see Nikky while she was here so she came down with her husband, mom and her moms husband. They were a lot of fun too!!!! Then on Sunday we drove out to Corona to visit my Grandparents before taking Nikky, the kids and my mom all to the airport. After we dropped them off, we met my friend Kristina at Starbucks. I hadn't seen her since 8th grade!!!! We talked about her wedding, which I am in, I am so excited!!!! Her mom showed up about an hour after we got there and it was really nice to see her too. The girls had fun with them, and then Cassidy called Linda (Kristina's mom) Grandma............gotta zip that girls mouth sometimes, lol. It was a very busy weekend and so the nothingness that has gone on in this house today is very much welcome!!!!! Today I am thinking a lot about my friend Erin though. I know on days like today she is missing Jessiah even more. I cant even imagine!!! So, today, thank a uniformed service member and remember those who gave their lives so we can be free. They have families back home who have to go on without them and the pain is sometimes too much to bear.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Today Will graduated from the Field Medical Training Battalion. My cousin Brittney and Aunt Mickie came as well. Cassidy wasn't there because she had school and has missed too many days as it is and will miss this Friday too. The ceremony was really nice. We sat in the perfect place to see him. And I cried but only a little and that was when they were talking about the sacrifice they are making for their country and honoring those who sacrificed all. I am so proud of Will, he has gone through so much and worked really hard and to see the payoff was amazing.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

He's Home!

Will's school is pretty much over so they are now allowing the guys to come home at night. All that is left to do before next week's graduation is cleaning things and turning in their gear. He still has to go in early everyday but he gets to be home at night and also the whole weekend. He was exhausted from being out in the field for 3 days and their 8 mile hike but it was still nice having him home. We all got to sit around the dinner table together!!!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Sibling Rivalry

I don't know if it is the age difference or just normal sibling stuff but the girls have been fighting a lot with one another. And this morning it ended with blood. I was so happy laying in bed, Hayley was sleeping all peacefully and I was excited to get some sleep. Cassidy is sick and so she was staying home so there was no need for me to get up and rush around, I was excited. And then I heard the girls in Cassidy's room. Obviously they were up. I heard them bickering and heard slapping noises and as I was on my way down the hall to stop the fighting, I heard a huge thud like sound, almost like a piece of furniture falling or something, it didn't sound like it could be human. I walked faster and when I got into the room I see Kendall bent over laying on the floor, doing the silent cry. Next came the loud scream and crying. I asked Cassidy what happened and of course, in her eyes, nothing at all happened. I picked Kendall up and that's when I saw the blood gushing out of her nose. So, this time I asked Cassidy what happened and I asked more sternly (that's putting it nicely, lol). She said she hit Kendall and threw her off the bed!!!! I brought Kendall into the bathroom to check her out and the blood wouldn't stop. So, I called my mom to ask what a broken nose looks like because I had never seen one and there was a lot of blood. As I was talking to her, Kendall informed me she was "all better mommy" so I knew it wasn't broken, lol. I cant believe Cassidy did that, is fighting that bad normal? They haven't played with one another since, lol. Not because they dont want to but I have decided not to let them today. Plus, Cassidy is sick and I don't want Kendall or Hayley getting it so Cass is in her room with the mini dvd player. She is pretty content being in her own world today, lol.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Today was a good day, and Will got to be here with us too!!! I didn't get to spend Mother's Day with my mom because she was spending some quality time with a friend, which is much needed but I did have a good day anyway. Will came home this morning and brought me a little gift. He wrote a really nice card and also gave me the movie Marley and Me. I cant wait to watch it now. After we all got ready we headed to my Aunt Mickie's house. All my cousins were there along with my grandma, uncle, his girlfriend and my other uncles parents. Aunt Mickie bbq'd and Uncle Bill played bartender, I had a yummy Lemon Drop Martini!!! And did you know you can make creamed corn from scratch? It is waaaaay better than in the can and was super yummy!!!! We had to leave early because Will had to be back to the school house by 5:45 (he wasn't even supposed to be off base in the first place) but we all had a good time. I hope everyone else had a great Mothers Day as well!!!!

Friday, May 8, 2009

I Guess It Was Going To Happen Sometime

Last night was horrible. Out of no where it hit me, my brother is gone. I know it may seem odd since he passed away almost 8 months ago but I lived so far away and didn't get to see him until I came out here for trips so it was easy to trick myself into believing he really wasn't gone. I told myself that I would deal with it when I got out here. It is hard to avoid him being out here, I live 1/2 mile from the beach and everywhere I go, I see places we went together. But, after moving here, I have avoided the beach and was kept pretty busy unpacking and having a baby so again, I tricked myself. Until last night. It hit me like a ton of bricks. It was like someone was shouting "HELLO, YOUR BROTHER IS GONE AND YOU WILL NEVER SEE HIM AGAIN". It physically hurt, I had to sit down and try to catch my breath. I started crying and felt like I couldn't breath. I knew I was going to have to deal with him being gone at some point but there was a big part of me that wanted to never have to deal with it. I was hoping I could trick myself for the rest of my life. It just hurts, it physically hurts to know he is gone. To walk in his house and not have him be there. I really don't want to have to deal with this!!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Not The Baby Too!!!

Kendall was sick on Saturday, throwing up everywhere. That went away on Sunday but since then, about 4 times a day, she has had explosive diarrhea!! Oh the joys of motherhood!!! I took her to the doc yesterday and she said she is fine, she just needs to stay hydrated and to also just give her foods from the BRAT diet. So, that is where we are at, still having nasty diapers but hopefully it dwindles soon. However, this morning Hayley woke up with a diaper full. I am hoping she hasn't come down with what Kendall has had, she did have some constipation yesterday so I am hoping it was just her finally getting unconstipated, I don't want her to be sick too. So, are you glad you stuck in there and read my blog about my kids poop? Yes, again.......oh the joys of motherhood :)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Hug Your Kids A Little Tighter

I sell Arbonne with a woman named Danica, she just posted on her facebook account that her husbands niece died this morning. She was 1 1/2 years old and apparently she got up in the middle of the night and a vcr fell on her and she died. Supposedly they found her this morning. That is all she is getting right now, I guess she doesn't know the whole story yet but anyway it happened, a 1 1/2 year old little girl died today. It breaks my heart, I don't know what I would do if something like that ever happened to one of my girls. Kendall is in her big girl bed but she is still so small, and I know how she likes to get into things when she thinks no one is looking. It is so sad!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

How Did A Month Fly By So Fast?

Hayley turned 1 month old yesterday!!!! It just doesn't feel like we have had her in our lives for that long already. She is starting to do smiles here and there though so you can tell she is getting older but I don't want her growing so fast!!! I know I am still young but I am scared to death of all my babies getting older. I am already telling Will about our fourth, lol. Yesterday was a good day too, my Aunt Mickie, Uncle Bill and Grandma Irene all came down to visit. Kendall cried when they left, she wanted to go with them :) And Will was home for a little bit too which always makes me happy. I wont get to talk to him for the next 3 days, they are going to be out in the field and he cant bring his cellphone. I hate not even getting to talk to him!!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Aren't Weekends Supposed To Be Easier?

Oh, what a day. Another early morning filled with the smell of fresh baby poop. Not so bad, however, after getting on formula it has become quite a stunner changing the diapers. And to top it off, Kendall needed a diaper change of the same kind this morning. Hers was pretty bad and it should have been a warning of what was to come but I didn't see the sign I guess. Will had called to say he was coming home for a little bit and I was making pancakes, by the way, the multi-grain pancakes from Costco that may sound good and also healthy, bad idea!!! They aren't just multi-grain, the have seeds in them, like flax seed and all kinds of other seeds and they are whole so when you bite into your pancake, it is pretty crunchy, I couldn't eat them. Cassidy has like 4, of which I was shocked and Will ate some too but I couldn't handle the crunch. Anyways, as I am making pancakes, Kendall comes into the kitchen and says, "mommy, my tummy doesn't feel good", followed by the sound of puke hitting the floor. I spun around super fast and saw her standing with her hands on her knees bent over. I pulled her hair back and yelled for Cass to get a hair tie asap. After she got the hair tie and it was in Kendall's hair so she didn't puke in it, I ran for the sick bowl (yes, we have a sick bowl). After she was done, she looked ta me and said "I feel better now" lol. I am glad you do kid because I no longer am loving the morning I was having :) I cleaned her up, followed by the floor and had her lay on the couch. Will finally walked in at that moment, just in time to witness another round of sickness. She said the same thing too...."my tummy hurts", only this time there was no splatter sound, mainly because it was on my rug!!!! So, Will cleans her up while I get out my trusty little green machine. Thank God I had one, I haven't used it a ton but I loved having it around this morning!!!! The rest of the day was pretty much the same. Cass and I escaped for a bit and got some groceries from the commissary, some things that Costco didn't have yesterday. I was almost tempted to take Kendall to the doc to check her out for Swine Flu but Will keep telling me it was not necessary. In my mind though, I kept flashing back to her licking the Target cart yesterday, ewwww, and thinking that she got the flu from that and now we were doomed. She seems fine so far tonight but we will see how the rest of the night goes.

Friday, May 1, 2009

He won't be coming home

Today Will let me know that the higher-ups denied his chit to be able to come home, so until he graduates at the end of this month, he is staying in the barracks :( Today was a great day though other than that disappointing news. I had a follow-up meeting at Cassidys school to discuss her IEP and it went really well. And besides all the educational talk, they let me know that she constantly talks about how one day she will be Miss USA, lol. I swear, you let the girl watch an hour of a beauty pageant and now she has won the title in her mind :) Before that and while Cass was in school I took the other 2 grocery shopping and to Target. I took back the stupid sewing machine that never worked and decided to get a Snugli for Hayley. I have no idea where I put the one from Kendall. I wanted a sling for her but I figured they are more money and she will grow out of it faster so a snugli it is. Anyways, while I was there I decided to pick out my mothers day cards. I started crying, even at the stupid ones no one buys!!! Hello, am I still pregnant, for goodness sakes suck it up woman, lol. People were looking and I am thinking it was not for the cute baby but for the crazy 27 year old woman crying at a horribly written mothers day card :) Costco was uneventful. I will say this though, I have never had a day where everyone was so nice and helpful. I had numerous people opening doors or helping me get things off shelves, one guy even helped put Kendall in the cart since I had Hayley in the snugli and was trying to not have her fall out of it or have Kendall smash her. I was really impressed, normally California people are pretty darn rude, at least after living in the mid-west. Tonight was really special too, Cassidy had her first dance!!!! She went to a Father/Daughter dance. Will wore his uniform and Cassidy got all dolled up in a cute dress and curls in her hair. Again, like a crazy sap, I cried while curling her hair. And after Will got back home to drop her off (yes, he had to go back to the barracks tonight too), he showed em a picture they had taken and I couldn't even look at it because my eyes were clouded with tears. What the heck is wrong with me? I swear I am crying over everything, it is starting to drive me nuts!!!! I am sorry if this post seems random and all over the place too, it is late, I am exhausted and it seems like a ton of stuff is in my head all at once, so I feel like I am not making any sense :)
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