Oh, what a day. Another early morning filled with the smell of fresh baby poop. Not so bad, however, after getting on formula it has become quite a stunner changing the diapers. And to top it off, Kendall needed a diaper change of the same kind this morning. Hers was pretty bad and it should have been a warning of what was to come but I didn't see the sign I guess. Will had called to say he was coming home for a little bit and I was making pancakes, by the way, the multi-grain pancakes from Costco that may sound good and also healthy, bad idea!!! They aren't just multi-grain, the have seeds in them, like flax seed and all kinds of other seeds and they are whole so when you bite into your pancake, it is pretty crunchy, I couldn't eat them. Cassidy has like 4, of which I was shocked and Will ate some too but I couldn't handle the crunch. Anyways, as I am making pancakes, Kendall comes into the kitchen and says, "mommy, my tummy doesn't feel good", followed by the sound of puke hitting the floor. I spun around super fast and saw her standing with her hands on her knees bent over. I pulled her hair back and yelled for Cass to get a hair tie asap. After she got the hair tie and it was in Kendall's hair so she didn't puke in it, I ran for the sick bowl (yes, we have a sick bowl). After she was done, she looked ta me and said "I feel better now" lol. I am glad you do kid because I no longer am loving the morning I was having :) I cleaned her up, followed by the floor and had her lay on the couch. Will finally walked in at that moment, just in time to witness another round of sickness. She said the same thing too...."my tummy hurts", only this time there was no splatter sound, mainly because it was on my rug!!!! So, Will cleans her up while I get out my trusty little green machine. Thank God I had one, I haven't used it a ton but I loved having it around this morning!!!! The rest of the day was pretty much the same. Cass and I escaped for a bit and got some groceries from the commissary, some things that Costco didn't have yesterday. I was almost tempted to take Kendall to the doc to check her out for Swine Flu but Will keep telling me it was not necessary. In my mind though, I kept flashing back to her licking the Target cart yesterday, ewwww, and thinking that she got the flu from that and now we were doomed. She seems fine so far tonight but we will see how the rest of the night goes.