The weekend actually started Thursday night. My sister and her 4 kids flew in and my mom and I went to the airport to pick her up. It was well after midnight when we got back to the house but Kendall woke up the minute she heard kids in the house :) On Friday we all went out to my moms graduation from the University of La Verne. It was a nice ceremony and we were able to sit front row on the right side of the stage, which also meant that the kids had plenty of room to run. They had a lot of fun playing together and then some huge kid, or should I say teenager, fell right on top on Kendall. And it wasn't a light fall, he fell hard. He knocked the wind right out of her and she kept saying her head hurt and she wanted to go to sleep. Great!!! So, we had to keep her up for at least another hour just to make sure she didn't get a concussion. After we got home and the kids were in bed we celebrated. Or at least I did, lol. I did some tequila shots and we all sat around talking. Then on Saturday, Cassidy turned 7!!!!!!!!! I still cant believe that she is 7 already!!!! We didn't do much, but the kids got to play and we had a BBQ. Growing up my sister had a friend Ashley and she wanted to see Nikky while she was here so she came down with her husband, mom and her moms husband. They were a lot of fun too!!!! Then on Sunday we drove out to Corona to visit my Grandparents before taking Nikky, the kids and my mom all to the airport. After we dropped them off, we met my friend Kristina at Starbucks. I hadn't seen her since 8th grade!!!! We talked about her wedding, which I am in, I am so excited!!!! Her mom showed up about an hour after we got there and it was really nice to see her too. The girls had fun with them, and then Cassidy called Linda (Kristina's mom) Grandma............gotta zip that girls mouth sometimes, lol. It was a very busy weekend and so the nothingness that has gone on in this house today is very much welcome!!!!! Today I am thinking a lot about my friend Erin though. I know on days like today she is missing Jessiah even more. I cant even imagine!!! So, today, thank a uniformed service member and remember those who gave their lives so we can be free. They have families back home who have to go on without them and the pain is sometimes too much to bear.
Sour Cream Banana Bread
3 days ago
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