How did I get such a grown little girl? Today is Cassidy's last day of first grade. I still find it hard to believe that she is even in first grade, let alone done with it and heading to second soon. She got to wear her special shirt today. Her teacher made them all shirts with a class pic on it and had everyone sign it. On the back it says "Wild Things 08-09". On the board outside of her classroom, she had zebra stripes and all the kids pics of them doing like lion roars and things, she called her class the "wild things", it is so cute to see all the kids doing their faces, lol. I got all choked up taking her to school this morning too. She was fine and so excited and I was so sad, I hate good-byes, lol, even when they aren't mine. And this is actually the first time she has had an official last day of school. When she was in Pre-school, we moved from Virginia to Illinois so she didn't get to finish her year there and then last year for Kindergarten, we came out here to see my brother and didn't get back until after school was out. So, now that she will be home all summer, I better find some fun things to do or I think I will be hearing how bored she is, lol. She already asked me if we could use all the money we get back from the school to go somewhere really fun. What money?!! Hahahahaha. She is so funny.
Sour Cream Banana Bread
3 days ago
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