Ok, so the last week has been horrible. I feel like I have had no time for anything, I am constantly running around and my plate is overflowing. And to be honest I have no one to blame but myself. I just cant say no to anyone for any reason so if you ask, I will accomplish what you need. And it gets me in trouble from time to time and now is one of those times. However, a much needed break came on Monday night and it came in the form of dance!!!!! My aunt got 2 tickets to So You Think You Can Dance a couple of months ago and Monday was the night. It was so much fun and I got to see the amazing Kupono up close and personal. I love my husband so don't get this next sentence wrong, but I love that man!!!!!!! Not to mention that I don't think he likes girls so Will is completely ok with this :) Al of the dancers were amazing, how do they make it seem effortless? They would jump 10 feet in the air and it was like they had a trampoline under them. And the flexibility on those girls?!! I don't ever remember being able to do any of that, hahahaha. After all was said and done, we got to go down to the lounge and hang out with all of them, hello, we got to hang out with them!!!!!!!! And as soon as my aunt said "I think I see Kupono".....well, enough said, I am sure you know where I headed :) And the best thing, he was the absolute nicest guy ever. He talked with me and didn't make em feel like I was a burden or just another fan. And he hugged me, yes, a nice long friendly hug that made me all giddy (ok, enough of that because I know I sound like a love crazed teenage girl when I am actually a married mom of three). But for one more ecstatic moment let me say................KUPONO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, also as we were there I got to see Mary Murphy, she was actually watching the show with all of us there and when we were standing outside the theater afterwards, Nigel Lythgoe came strolling by and I managed to get a picture and quick word with him before anyone else recognized and swarmed him, and not that he will ever be interested enough to read this, not to mention he has no idea who I am, but I would like to apologize if in any way I caused a mob scene by stopping you and taking a picture. As soon as the flash went off it was like piranhas on a helpless guppy. Alright, so that was my night. I am now back to reality and right about now I hear a certain 7 month old who just woke from her nap, time to go snuggle :)
Sour Cream Banana Bread
3 days ago
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