It is the end of the year and I am busy beyond belief. Saturday I rehearsed for the children's play at church for 4 hours and as soon as I got home my mom was already here. We planned on having Christmas with her that day because she will be leaving Wednesday to spend it with my sister so we did it early:) But, that meant turkey and all the fixings:) Super yummy when all is said and done but a pain in the butt to get ready for!!!!! The girls had a great time with grandma as usual and of course loved opening presents!! That night Cassidy started running a fever and since we cannot let it get too high with her Epilepsy, we had to take her into the ER. My mom stayed back home with the smaller girls. While there she ran a high temp and had a couple of small seizures but they got her temp down and she was fine. Then Sunday was the children's play at church so again I was there for 4 hours. They did such a good job, those kids are so talented it is nuts!!!!!! I am not sure if the church has the play on its website but if so you can fine it on Pacific Coast churches website :) After that was over I came home, picked up Kendall and we were off to Cypress where my cousin Matt lives to bake cookies. Both my Aunts were there and my Grandma, it was fun, but then again it always is with them. And we made tons of cookies, we have plenty to last us through the New Year and then some, so if you are aching for a cookie, come on over :) And then there was today. I wouldn't call it busy because it was fun but I wasn't home so now it feels like I have been busy all day. My mom and I met at the Spectrum and did some last minute shopping and had lunch. It was nice to get out with just my mom, I cant tell you how long it has been. But, now I am home and ready to relax. Maybe I should get off of here then, lol.
Sour Cream Banana Bread
3 days ago
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