So my best friend Julie and I are both March babies, actually only 2 days apart and she was telling me that she read that 2010 is the year for Pisces. After getting into school and numerous other things falling right into place, I thought, wow, that's pretty awesome, things are falling right into place, this is going to be my year!!!!! I think there is something to say about speaking too soon!! Cass has had a hard time with her meds recently so starting next week we are starting her on a new one. Then yesterday I got a phone call form her school. After I answered the phone I heard, "Is this Cassidy's mom?", I knew immediately something had happened at school. She said Cassidy had fallen and her chin is split open and she needs stitches. At this point, I was still in pj's, Kendall too and she was trying to rest on the couch since she is sick, and Hayley had finally gone down for her nap. The phone call had only lasted maybe 2 minutes and I had managed to get dressed, hair done and Kendall's clothes ready before it was over. Hayley was happy to see me in her room, which meant no nap for her, lol. Kendall asked why we had to leave the house so quickly and I told her Cassie hurt herself at school and we need to take her to the hospital. Which in turn brought about tears and wails of how sad she is that sissy is hurt (so sad, but gotta love the love she has for her sister). As I sped down the street, and I was speeding, I dared a cop to stop me and actually give me a ticket, I need to get to my daughter dang it!! Before I knew it, I was at the school and was able to hold my sweet little teary eyed girl with a big bandage covering her chin. They said they weren't too sure how she fell, she was outside at recess. Her description was that she was playing and heard a "thump" and then she was crying and blood was everywhere. I still have no idea how it really happened but it makes me nervous that she maybe had a seizure, a small one like she has been having, and it resulted in injury this time. Anyways, we headed towards the hospital and picked Will up along the way. Which actually came in pretty helpful, not only for my sanity, but because small kids were not allowed back in the ER. I tried to have Will back there with Cass, I am not so good with the blood and pain when it comes to my kids. But, within 5 minutes of him being back there, I had to go in......she wanted mommy. So, I sucked it up and headed back. She was scared to death of what they might do and the scream that she made just by taking the bandage off made me nervous for them to even try a stitch. They gave her a numbing medicine to hold on it for 20 minutes. I think it was on there a lot longer though. They had 2 guys from an accident come in in pretty bad shape and a mom wailing carrying a limp baby running in soon after. As soon as the doc came in to assess her chin, I explained her Epilepsy, how her meds weren't working and if she gets worked up, she can go into a seizure. She said the wound was pretty deep but they could try to glue it instead of stitch it so it wouldn't be too hard on her. So, that's what they did. They did layer after layer with steri strips to hold it together and she was a trooper. Needless to say, it was a long day, followed by a long night and I am beat. It may be my year but when my kids are having a hard time, it doesn't feel like it.
Sour Cream Banana Bread
3 days ago
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