Monday, June 28, 2010


A couple of weekends ago my dear friend Daniela invited us over for a BBQ at her house.  I met Daniela when we were living in Illinois.  We became instant friends, but of course, the Navy moves people and we were the first to go.  Well, besides Julie who had to move way the heck out of state and she now knows that she needs to come home because she is missed way too much!!!  The good news?  Daniela and her family received orders to California and have moved out here!!!  They aren't super close, about 45 minutes away but close enough to see.  We had a fun girls night a couple of weeks ago, we met halfway to see Sex and The City2 and had yummy cocktails before.  This time we went to her house.  Her hubby grilled up some burgers and dogs while we drank high school alcohol, otherwise known as Boone's.  I know, we are so super classy.  I believe she has a nice blackmail picture that hasn't surfaced yet and it never will because she knows I can take her down :)  Now, my dear friend is originally from Texas which I have always accepted, however I was a little nervous how deep her roots go when my sweet girl came down looking like this.

What the?  Guess it will come in handy when all them darn yeller bellies come to take down San Diego.  Ok, so I forgot to mention we worked at Cracker Barrell together out in Illinois and well, they carry stuff like this.  If you have never been, please don't be alarmed or judge, they have yummy food and the store is a country store filled with old time candy and cute stuff for the house.  And of course the outfit in question.  Not only did I get to visit with my dear friend but I also got to spend some snuggle time with her newest cutie Arabella.

How sweet is that little face?  Her momma kept telling me the light makes her looked shocked, like the first picture, I personally think it is because she doesn't like me.  I wanted to snuggle and take in the little snuggly sweet smelling baby that I miss and she just cried and cried until her mom or dad took her.  The girl liked being alone in a swing or her bassinet more than being in my arms.  I told her she better wisen up because with an attitude like that, there will be no coach purses from Auntie in her future.  I will get my snuggles in, by george, I will get my snuggles in!!!

1 comment:

Daniela said...

LOl, i can't beleive i'm just now reading this! You are too funny. And a great story teller! =) oh and i had forgotten about that picture til now ,you know the one;) But i'll be sure to post it soon. =)

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