If for no other reason than tonight's dinner. How does pea soup turn brown? I have never seen little maggot shaped things pop out of peas. I made sure they were indeed not maggots or living and I think it was a part of the inside of the pea, I found a raw one I had only soaked but not cooked and split it open and say the thing in there, maybe more like a stem and not a maggot but if I say maggot, you will get the throw up in your mouth feeling I have. I could not bring myself to eat it, my family did though and they loved it. Will called me a hypochondriac however when asked if he knew I didn't make it and saw it in a restaurant if he would order it....when that came with a no and he wanted to spit out his food when I pretended to make puke noises, I knew it wasn't as great as they all swore it was. Cass did have 2 bowls though.......should I worry, ha. I made everyone smoothies after to make up for it but even that failed. We had one popsicle left so I decided smoothies for the big kids, popsicle for the baby. She loved it, until she took a bite out of it, chewed for a good 5 seconds and started screaming in pain from the cold. I wonder what else I can turn my kids off of? Maybe I can make dessert super nasty and they will crave nothing but broccoli and brussel sprouts from now on :)
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