But who cares when cuteness abounds? Our Halloween was fun and tiring, no really, I really felt like I was 80 and wanted to be in bed at 7!!!!! We started out with super yummy blueberry pancakes for breakfast, followed by apron wearing and cookie baking, I will talk about the cookies on another post soon. Not too long after my mom came down and we hit up the consignment shop near the beach. As some of you may not know because I have never divulged my secret obsession here, but I love roosters in my kitchen. Not too over the top where people start thinking an intervention is needed, but I love them and find a place for them in my kitchen. Well, the consignment shop had some off white china that had a cute rustic vintage like rooster on it. So, I bought me a pitcher. I could have gone all crazy and bought the napkin rings, plates, coffee cups, but I didn't, I kept it to one pitcher. It is super nice, come on over and I can pour us some juice :) Ok, back to Halloween. After the consignment shop we came home and dressed the little ones in proper Halloween attire.

Yep, those are my little darlins. Later we switched Hayley from duck feet to her pink squeaky shoes, more on that in another post yet again, but the squeak was very fitting......and we knew where she was at all times! After the girls were dressed and ready our good friends came up and went trick or treating with us. It was hard to get a picture of the whole brood, but my dear friend thought this was her idea of fun for us.....
It wasn't so bad when we were together, it was when we were separate that we got looks. Thanks Daniela, love ya :) All in all, it was great Halloween. How could it not be when spent with friends and family?
1 comment:
Oh my goodness... you girls are so darn cute!! and I love the "best friends" costume... what a great idea! Glad you had an awesome day!
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