Yesterday my baby girl turned 2 and a fabulous day of dinner with family and friends had been planned. We took our annual trip to Sea World the day before so we were excited to be at home eating good food and being around the people we love most. I was thinking about the day she was born, how she has gone ever so quickly from this
to this
Do I even have to mention that they grow up way too fast? If you are a mom or a grandma or an aunt, I am pretty sure I do not, it is crazy how fast time flies!!!!! As I sat reminiscing and making my list so that I can go to the store and come home and bake the cake and............what the heck is that, who is screaming? Let me say this, once I heard the death curdling scream, I did not go running in that direction. My kids have a tendency to fight (I know, only my kids right?) and sometimes while fighting they scream like someone is killing them and the first couple of times I went running and found nothing, I became numb to it. Now I stroll down the hallway and think of how I can tell them that screaming like that is bad unless you are actually hurt or in trouble in a new way so this time it actually gets through to them. As I am thinking this, I turn to go into my oldests room, where the source of the scream is still coming from and it is then I see her, her face is covered in blood and her hands sit below her chin and they are dripping blood because they are so full of blood. I quickly went from "we don't scream like that unless....." to "WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED?!!!" I quickly got some paper towels and washcloths to clean off her hands and try to see where the blood was pouring from and eventually saw her lip sitting wide open, the kind of split lip where you can see her teeth even though her mouth is closed, it was pretty bad. I tried calming her down, she was getting really worked up and the last thing I wanted was for her to go into a seizure. So, we calmed down as much as an 8 year old with a lip wide open can and she told me how her sister had come in the room and threw a sippy cup at her. And no, not the one you see pictured above, that is my angel child ( I know this statement may change at one time or another), it is her attitude riddled middle sister who thinks throwing things lately is a good way to vent anger. I knew I had to get my girl to the ER for some stitches so I had to deal with my middle one later. However, I did have her come in the room to see the damage she had done, hopefully that will stick in her head and she will not get so angry next time. So, off to the ER we went. Now, I knew it was bad but I also knew it could look bad but end up with some stitches and be done. I also know that maybe motherly instincts of "this is pretty bad" sometimes turn out right, and the in this case, the doc agreed with me. Her lip was not only split, the muscle that runs through there was pretty tore up. It was not only her lip but also the skin above her lip, it was pretty bad. So, a plastic surgeon was called and we waited for him to get there. He said he could put it back together but that we needed to come back throughout the week so he can keep an eye on it. We still ended up having the party for my youngest, having family and good friends around was good for my girl, however, she was milking it for everyone. But as I said before, can you blame the girl?! Today she is eating through a straw and not able to really speak due to the massive swelling and pain. I am positive it will heal nicely and hopefully she will not have any more stitches to her face. This makes 22 total in the past 5 years, those are all stories for another time though :) Happy 2nd birthday my beautiful Hayley, I look forward to spending so many more with you and I promise to have better food and a prettier cake next time, I also plan on no ER visit where I can actually pull that off :)