Man I wish I had a picture of myself at almost 9 to put on here. It seems like everywhere I go, if someone knows my oldest daughter, they automatically know I am her mom. I get tons of "hi Cassidy's mom" and "are you Cassidy's mom?" This morning was no different. My oldest is in a school play and this morning was her very first performance so naturally, I had to be there. I was sitting in a chair in the back of the room with the other two little ones and a lady walked by, stopped and walked back and little and said "you MUST be Cassidy's mom!!!"......."Yes, yes I am"......"Of course you are, she looks exactly like you!!!" I think that all of my kids resemble me, they all have my coloring and eyes but my oldest, it is a little uncanny. Years ago when their father was on deployment, he came back and was looking through pictures and held up one and asked where I had taken the girls. It was a picture of me. Granted, the coloring and the fact that I was sitting in a station wagon without a seatbelt should have given it away, he isnt the brightest crayon in the box. But it is nutty how much she looks like me. It is a little annoying getting recognized by people who I may not even know, there was one guy I had a full on conversation with in the commissary who apparently knew my daughter form school or something and somehow assumed through looks I was her mom, I still have no clue who he was but man did he know me. In the end though, it makes me smile. I joke around with her and sometimes have her look me in the eye and I tell her "Cass, this (hands all up in the face), this is what your future holds, muahahahahahahah", I never said my kids think I am sane. But as I was begining to say, I love it to be truthful. I love having my girl look like me and am so proud to be her momma. I am in all srts of denial that she is turning 9 this month, how on earth did she become so old? Her last year in her single, if you know my daughter, feel free to know me too, and vice versa, we are twins after all. And Lord, please let me still look like her when I am 40 or older, that would be a GREAT compliment :)
1 comment:
Oh hon, you totally crack me up!! Great post and she is beautiful, just like her Momma!!! miss ya, coffee soon!!
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