Growing up is a tough one. Before school let out, my oldest found out that her best friend, a boy named Adam would be moving. He was only moving about an hour away but to a 9 year old, that is forever away. You see, my oldest isn't the most out-going child. Once she knows you, she is more than willing to chat and open up but she has a real fear of people not liking her. She is so scared that someone might say something and has had a hard time with bullies since the first grade. Back then we didn't know she had Epilepsy and she seemed "weird" to other kids. She was doing things that we didn't know where they were coming from and kids don't take very well to the kid who doesn't act "normal". Even after she was diagnosed and started treatment, the meds did not always work. It took us a good 8 months for her to finally find one that did the job. In the meantime she would scream in class and not remember it later, she even once hit a kid on the back of the head before screaming and then crawled under desk and cried. I am not condoning the assault on the boy but i do have to say, she remembered none of it. It was almost scary when she said she had no clue what I was talking about and later that night before bed, she came downstairs crying her eyes out asking "did I really hit someone? Is he ok?". My heart broke. Girls seem to be the worst in all of this. There was a gang of girls who stuck together and they were set on making her life a living hell. The ring leader eventually moved away and things got better but never 100%. In the meantime, she made a friend. A little boy named Adam. I questioned it at first, shouldn't she be besties with a girl? We surely cannot have a boy over for sleepovers and the typical girlie things, should I tell her to find someone else to hang out with? I asked her why she liked this boy so much, wondering if it was a crush and she told me "he is just like me, he doesn't say mean things and he makes me feel happy". During an open house in one of her journals she even wrote about her best friend saying he was "different like me". Adam is in the special ed class with Cass sometimes so I guess in her eyes, he has some flaws just like she does and they mesh well. So, besties it was and has been for 2 years. And then he moved away. I was never able to get an address for his new place so it seems, for now, they have lost touch.
Today while I was making dinner she came out with a clay heart she had made at a festival a couple of weeks ago. It was torn right in half and she was teary. I asked what happened and she said she was thinking of Adam and it just feel in two. We did have the talk about destroying personal property in a fit of rage but after that, it broke my heart. She went to her room and after dinner was in the oven, I went to check on her. She was sitting in a chair looking out her window with tears streaming down her face. She told me without looking back at me that Adams favorite color is green just like the grass. In her hands was her friendship bracelet he had bought her (they each bought one for one another, he actually bought her another one after she bought him one because it wasn't right for her to only have one, so sweet), she wears one on her wrist and the other one was too small to put back on after she had to take it off so she has it in her special box. When I sat besides her, she melted into my arms and cried. I don't know if I am prepared for broken hearts! If she was older and it was a boyfriend, I am totally prepared for the "you deserve better, now lets go shopping and eat junk food" speech but how do you deal with losing a best friend? As an adult it sucks, I cannot imagine how her little heart is breaking. As I speak, she is moping. She wants to snuggle on the couch and just chill and that is not her personality. I told her I would try to track him down but that was all I had in my arsenal. So, people help me out here, how to you help your child mend a broken heart?
Sour Cream Banana Bread
3 days ago
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