Last night a friend of mine posted a question on Facebook. She was curious out of all her friends who blog or read blogs, what they want to read about. I sat there for a minute and thought about why I blog. I am in no way a famous blogger and do not have a huge following. I do not have ads that if clicked, pay me money. So why do I blog? My blog originally started as a way for my friends and family to see what was going on in my life. I lived out of state for many years and every time I got a phone call, it was always the same thing, "what has been going on out there?" Instead of repeating myself, I decided to write it out and post pictures so when they did call, we could just chat and not have to get caught up. I was not a very good blogger back then, not to say that I am now, but I had so many pictures and instead of posting pictures that matched what I was writing about, I posted a random picture with each blog post. That is why, if you read some of my older blog posts from years ago, the picture might seem very random for what I posted about. I would like to believe that my blogging has been more creative and informative. I feel like I have been through so much and have grown up a lot and there is hope that you can see that in my blogging.
So, why do I blog? I blog still so people can be caught up on my life. I blog so that I have a place that I can look back on and see my growth and the growth of my girls. I also blog to help spread awareness and bring about change in this world. Epilepsy is a huge part of my life and I hope that more and more people can come to this blog and not feel like they are alone in their journey and for those unaffected in a personal way, hopefully they can find some info that will open their eyes and give them that little push to get involved.
So, with that answered, now to what I like to read in other blogs. If you look on my side bar you will see a variation of blogs that I read almost every day. Some of them are my close friends and I read them to stay up to date on their lives when I am not able to be with them. Others are funny and provide fun, interesting and new recipes I would like to try. Some are for my business of making cupcakes, it is always good to stay on top of what others are doing to stay up to date. But for the most part, I like to read about other moms and other women and their journeys. I like to feel like I am not the only one who struggles form time to time. That I am not the only one who is having to raise her children on her own after a long marriage didn't work out. I LOVE to read of triumphs, break-throughs and miracles of these very same women. I guess the common denominator in all of this, I like to read about real people. People who like to write and express themselves. I am hoping that my friend who pondered this question is indeed looking to write a blog because I think she would be phenomenal! Her life, from what I have seen, is a wonderful journey and I feel like she could be a beacon of light to so many! I love how her one question has made me sit to think about all of this, that right there should be proof enough of her sheer power and what a wonderful blog she would have. So, what do you want to read about in others blogs? Why do you blog?
Sour Cream Banana Bread
3 days ago
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