I am hoping you all can read this article. I saw it in a post from a friend of mine on Facebook and love the response. I think a lot of people out there agree that being a stay at home mom is hard work but I also know that a lot of people think we just sit around on our butts watching soap operas and eating bon-bons.
I am struggling a lot with the stay at home mom job. I love it, it is what I have always done and within a couple of months, I will not be employed in that area any more. Getting a full time job scares me. 2 of my kids are in school so I know where they will be during the day but I still have one at home who will now have to be raised by someone other than me and that bugs me. Not to mention, I love being there to take my kids to school and pick them up after. If they want to do an after school activity, sure why not, I will pick you up a little later than normal. So, getting a job will make me unable to do those things. As much as people tip their hat to those of us that stay home, I have to tip my hat to those who work. Those who give up that time with their kids and basically have someone else raise them 5 out 7 days of the week.
To back up the article though, since that is what i initially intended to write about, let me back it up a little. This is my day today. My 2 year old climbed in bed with me around 2:30am. She kicked and hit me numerous times, then decided she wanted to be awake. After about an hour of her wanting to chat, I asked if I could put her back in her bed, she said yes and it was as if I heard angels singing. So, off to bed she went at 3:40am. I slept for another 2 hours and 20 minutes and then it was time to get up. I made breakfast, got kids dressed, did hair and drove them off to school. My youngest is now eating her breakfast and as my laundry washes, I am able to sit down to this for a bit. As soon as that goes off, I will be thoroughly scrubbing my middles room and washing bedding and cleaning up the rest of the house. All of this will be done while I also make lunch for my youngest, help her go potty every hour and make sure she knows I am actually very interested in her baby dolls and rocking them to sleep. At noon I head off to get my middle one from school and 45 minutes after I have to go right back to get my oldest. We come home to do homework for the both of them and then we have doctor appointments. Dinner will be served and baths will be had. Bed time stories and prayers need to be said and hopefully they stay in bed after they are put there. So, that being said, does it seem like I sit around all day? Could you understand why i would be tired if this is what I do every day and if I had 10 minutes to myself, how I may want silence? I am sure the girl who wrote in felt foolish enough reading the response, I am not sure if she was prepared to have it start making its rounds on the internet.
And I pose a question relating to those women who do work. When you come home form work, your day is like mine, so how do you do it? I think the grass always looks greener and you wonder how everyone else gets along. Did I mention I have subscribed to Working Mother magazine to try to prepare myself, lol. I am worried!!!! I would like to end with this though. Whether you stay at home or whether you work and raise your kids at the same time, I think we are all pretty remarkable. There is so much one every ones plates and sometimes it is hard and sometimes it is not but we push forward and know that there is a silver lining and it will be worth it all. Good job ladies!!!!!
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