Years ago I had a woman come into my life. We were thrown into a situation that had us working side by side and it eventually turned into a friendship. This woman and her family have become very close to my heart and my children adore them. They have helped me through some of the toughest times in my life and I will forever be grateful. They also have children who are around the same ages as mine. Her oldest daughter had always amazed me. Her personality shined above everyone else and she had the sweetest heart. I have always thought this but the conversation I had on the phone the other day just did it for me, this girl is amazing.
In school, this girls class read a story about a kid with a disability. They were then asked to write about someone they knew who had a disability. She chose to write about my Cassidy. She said she felt bad that there was some things that she could not do but the one thing that she was the best at, was being a good friend. Are you kidding me?! I cry even writing it out now. This girl is 10. To have a kind heart at that age, the world is in for a treat with this amazing girl. Not enough? Here is another example of her kindness. Sometimes my girl has to wear sunglasses inside in order to protect her from flashing lights so that she does not have a seizure. She was wearing them one day during lunch and some kids started making fun of her. Her friend saw this happening, gathered a couple more girls and came up to my daughter and told her how cool her glasses were and if there was a problem. She ended up eating lunch with her and it just made my girls day. When I told her of what recently happened, my girl broke into tears. She said she misses her friend (i forgot to mention they moved away this year), and that she is the best friend she has.
This girl is amazing. The compassion she has for others and the courage she has to stand up for what is right amazes me. I know a lot of adults who would not have the nerve to do this. I think this also shows the great parenting going on within the walls of their home. She may have been born with a heart of gold but it is also learned through the generosity and compassion her parents have as well. The world would be a much better place if we were all a little more like this sweet girl. Why not tell the girl at the store how much you like her hair or how pretty her eyes are? Why not help someone in need when they are clearly being picked on. I really believe that good things happen to those who show love towards others. I think if we all decide to do at least one random act of kindness per day, the world would feel much sweeter!!!!!
Sour Cream Banana Bread
3 days ago
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