I knew I had an appointment at 9:40 this morning for my gestational diabetes testing so I got up at 8:30 to take a shower and get me and the girls ready. Don't ask me where the time went but by the time I got out of the shower it was 9:20!!!! I had to leave by then!!! So I ran around the house getting the girls ready and me ready and cereal in baggies with drinks for the car, in doing so I felt so light headed I felt I might pass out. But, I had to get to my appointment. When we finally got there I realized I brought my doctors note for the testing but left my id and everything else in my other bag at home. Luckily Will called and told me he was coming to help me out and so he was able to stop at home and get my stuff. But after I took that nasty drink and sat waiting for my blood to get drawn, the light-headiness got 10 times worse. When the hour was up and I went back to get my blood drawn I told the lady I didn't feel good and if I could have some crackers. She said they couldn't administer anything but if I did pass out they would give me an ice pack.......like that would help. So, I got the blood drawn and out the door I went. I got as far as the car door when I started throwing up everywhere. It was horrid!!!! It has been a couple hours since then and I still feel massively light-headed. I have eaten some toast and taken my medicine but still it feels like I am going to pass out. And the day is not done, we have taxes to do tonight as well. I cant wait to come home and go to bed!!!
Sour Cream Banana Bread
3 days ago
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