Oh what a day it has been!!! I woke up numerous times last night not being able to move, my abdomen and back hurt so bad. When Will went to work he woke me up so I could be downstairs with Cass, she has been sleeping on the couch since she has been sick and I could barely make it downstairs and he had to help me put my legs on the couch. He went to work but came home a little while later to take me to my doc. Turns out, not only do I have the stomach flu but I also have a very bad bladder infection, hence why it hurts so much to move. She told me I had the trifecta, haha, I was pregnant, have the stomach flu AND have a bladder infection. She gave me a prescription and told me to be on the "brat" diet (bananas, rice, applesauce and toast). So, I am back here on the couch not feeling any better at all, hopefully t all ends soon. The good news is, Will is 100%, Kendall seems to be 98%, just some diaper issues ( you don't need to hear the word to know what I mean) and Cassidy is holding down fluids finally. She doesn't really eat at all but she is wanting gatorade more and keeping to down.....when she isn't sleeping. I swear as soon as she is better she isn't going to sleep for a week!!!!!
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