It seems like Hayley has just started really crawling, she still will army crawl but every now and again you get the full hands and knees crawling. This morning, she decided she likes to stand up!!!! She has been getting on her knees to play in the toy box but this morning she looked at her feet and then just stood up. It was all pretty shocking, I think to both myself and her, she looked at her feet with the expression of "wow, didn't really think that would work" hahahahahaha. Its so hard to see her grow up but I am so amazed at her!!!!!!
Cass is doing alright. I know my last post was praising her progress and that seemed to be short lived. Her behavior was fantastic and we didn't see any seizures, however her focusing on things and remembering and knowing how to do simple tasks almost disappeared. They were making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches at school and she couldn't remember how to do that!!!!! She can barely remember 2 plus 2 and she gets so upset at herself for it. So, after a phone call to the doctor, we are lowering her meds a bit, pretty much in between what we had been giving her and the new dosage we started last week. The doctor is looking over her chart this weekend and by Tuesday she will see if we should switch her a new medication. So, lets see where this goes for her. Oh, and I cannot forget to mention that she lost another tooth the other night and actually got it out herself!!!!!!
And since I spoke of my other 2 little ones I feel I have to mention something about Kendall. Her personality is just shining these days and she is testing her boundaries. She told me the other day while we were at my doctors appointment that she didn't like the lady sitting across from us, that she was scary, and she made this mischievous smirk. I don't know what I will do with her lately, lol.