New year, new blog :) We actually ended up having a really fun new years eve night!!!! My original plan was to just stay home and pretty much be bored. Last year I bought fun drinks for the kids in cool little cups and we had silly string wars and popped the confetti poppers, but it was hard keeping them up until midnight and by 9:30 the fun had worn off and we had cranky kids all night. Not to mention that when it actually did hit midnight and counted down and hugged and kissed one another, they looked at us like "that's what you kept us up for?!!!! really?!!!!!". So, this year I decided I wasn't going to make them stay up and if they did then we would have a quiet nice time, that pretty much equals boring on a super fun scale, lol. However, I found out that my Aunt was staying home as well and that she would have my cousins 2 boys with her, and after telling her my amazing plans, she had us come on over. We stopped for dinner at Ruby's along the way, and a side note on that one, we got the creepy waiter again!!!! I think we have only been to that Ruby's 3 times, once as a family and once just me, my mom and the girls. And every single time, no matter where we are sat, we get this creepy guy with a creepy stare and he just freaks us out!!!! Anyways, after dinner we headed to my Aunts house. She lives in a super cool, new loft apartment in Anaheim and her huge living room windows look out over Disneyland. So, while the kids played with one another, which is so nice to see by the way, I love that they love playing with their cousins, we had some martinis and played mad gab. Then it was 9:30 and time for the first round of fireworks. We turned off all the lights and watched. We have been to her apartment before to watch them so we had seen that showing before but it is still pretty awesome to watch. After that was over, I put the baby down and we all sat and talked, while the wee ones played some more. Poor Josh (my cousins oldest boy) couldn't last and conked out around 10:30. But, the rest of us stayed up and at 11:50 we turned on the countdown in New York's times square and counted down. Right at midnight the night sky lit up. The Disneyland fireworks were amazing!!!!! It was like 5 minutes of a grand finale, just amazingly beautiful. I wish Hayley was up so I could squeeze her into the new year but instead I held my Kendall and watched all teary eyed. I swear the baby blues, over emotional thing still to this day has not gone away......God help my girls on their big days because I will be a wreck!!!!!!! Then today, after a fun morning with all the kiddos again, we headed over to the Irvine Spectrum and did a little shopping with my sister-in-law and my niece. Just a wonderful start to the New Year, lets hope 2010 is a great one!!!! Oh, and I got a super cool new planner, which is needed so I don't lose my head or any commitment I forget I volunteered for, but I never knew I could get this excited over a planner, what a dork!!!! Happy new year everyone!!!
Sour Cream Banana Bread
3 days ago
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