This morning was an early morning. We got up 45 minutes earlier than expected so that I could drop off the 2 smallest kiddos at my friend Launa's house. Thank you again Launa, Kendall is so excited and cant stop talking about her "best friend Makenna". After dropping those 2 little ones off, I took Cass to school (and on time, I am on a roll today) and then it was off to my cat scan. On the way I had to take meds so I wouldn't react to the dye they were injecting me with, which was supposed to be done an hour ahead of time, which just happened to fall while I was driving. So, I took the first one, not bad, then came the second one. I think they should warn you that the dang thing dissolves almost instantly and covers your mouth in a yellow bitter substance. I drank my entire bottle of water and the taste was still there. It was horrid!!! Then I got to the hospital where I had to fill out the scariest form known to man. It had all of the "what can happen" stuff on it and if you know me, I started getting a little freaked out. Luckily I didn't have to wait too long before I was called back and could just get it over with. While I was walking with the technician down the hall, he asked if I had any allergies and all that and then he asked if I was on any meds. I pulled out the 2 bottles I had in my purse to show what I was told to take and he told me he hates that they keep telling people they need to take those because they don't, that the dye they inject you with has nothing to do with those type of allergies. Luckily they didn't tell me and I had the privilege of taking the super bitter super dissolving tablet an hour ago, which I could still taste by the way. After I was in my gown and lying on the table, I got my IV. That part was fine, I have come to be ok with needle pricks in my arm. It was the after part which started getting to me. Next thing I knew I felt bubbles in my neck and it felt like water was swishing around in my head. I told him what I felt and he said that happened because the IV needle he used was a big one so he could push fluids through my body super fast. So, when the dye came in, I would feel the same thing, only it would also be warm. Yay!!! After all the the scan started, I closed my eyes and was praying to not freak out. It worked until the dye started being pushed in. Not only did I feel the bubbles in my neck and the swishing in my head but it was hot, not warm, hot. I tried to swallow because it felt like I was eating pennies and the hot feeling in my head and neck was bothering me. That's when I heard the robot lady in the machine tell me to stop swallowing. I felt like I was about to panic, oh and I also thought I peed my pants. Lol, the "warm feeling" I guess goes all through the body and since it was hot, it actually made me feel like I had peed when it went down, lol. Luckily I did not. And I didn't end up in a panic attack because as soon as the warmth reached my toes I was done. I have felt loopy and off balance all day but I think it is from the meds I took. Will said he remembers his Grandpa feeling that way when he took the meds too. I wont get he results back until I go to my pre-op appointment on the 29th, so please still be praying that everything turns out ok!!!
Sour Cream Banana Bread
3 days ago
1 comment:
lovin' those sweet little girls! and you know prayers are coming your way!!
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