There is no greater gift than to see your little baby who you carried in your stomach for almost a year blossom into a little person who actually knows and understands the words I speak to her. When Cassidy was a baby we ( I guess that would be more I since Will was gone for almost her whole first year of life) taught her basic sign language. She knew please and more and eat and more of the simple things I would try to communicate with her during that age. She learned pretty well and it was so good to be able to look at her in her high chair and when she whined and I asked what the matter was and she signed more, I knew she was still wanting to eat. For some reason, we never even tried with Kendall. Lord help us, maybe that's why she uses her words so darn much these days!!! But lately we have been trying with Hayley. We have been signing, helping her make the sign, repeating the words and then following through with what she gets when she is done signing. Well, today was the day!!!! After her nap she normally likes a bottle of juice. So, into the kitchen we go. As I pour the juice into her bottle, she proceeds to stand up holding a cabinet so she can see better and when I saw do you want juice.........she signed please!!!!!!!!!!! she did it a couple more times again tonight as well. Now I know she is not the only little one to do so, Lord knows I have seen the little booger on tv for your baby can read say turtle over and over, just kidding, I have seen kids, actual friends of mines kids sign so I know it is not some rare thing, however, I felt like my baby was the smartest in all the land tonight. I was so proud of her!!!!!!!!!
1 comment:
Yeah for Hayley!!!! Love the signing... it's so darn cute!! Please, please, please!!
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