Some of you I have told about my amazing best friend Julie who lives in Japan and her fourth little bundle of joy. If I haven't told you, here is the short version, not because I don't care to tell the long version, but there is a lot to it and I want to get to the good part :) So, when she was roughly 15 weeks pregnant she woke up in a pool of blood and thought what any of us would have though, she had a miscarriage. She dropped her other 3 kids off at a friends and drove to the hospital preparing to hear the inevitable. However, the baby was fine!!!!!! This happened again once she was in her 20 something weeks pregnant. This time they told her that her baby was not going to make it. That at some point she would come in for an ultrasound and her baby would be dead and she would have to deliver it. I remember that day so vividly. She called and as soon as I heard her voice crackle, I knew it wasn't good. We sat on the phone for hours. We cried and I wished I could be closer to her, to hug her tight and tell her she is not alone and it would be ok. I made her promise me she would be ok. But every time she called, I feared it would be the call with the worst news possible. Well, on April 10, the best thing happened. Her sweet little boy, Monroe Ethan-Keith Downing was born in Japan!!!! She made it through the pregnancy and the baby is doing wonderfully. She posted pictures of him on her facebook and he is the cutest thing I have ever seen!!!! He even has more hair than Hayley already, haha. Then she called me, to tell me how it all went down and how she was doing. Then she held the phone up to him and asked him to say hi to his Aunt Kaleena, he was making the sweetest baby noises ever and I cried. I cried so much, I just wish I could see him and hold him, along with all of her other sweet little ones too!!!!!!! I understand that goodbyes are a part of the military but for once I have met the best friend I have ever had in my life and for her to be that far away and have such a wonderful miracle as this happens just makes me sad and wanting to vent on the suckiness of distance. So, Pacific Ocean, how dare you be so vast as to keep me from my friend, you are beautiful and I love seeing you everyday but right now, you are a big blue piece of suck!!! Ok, vent done. Congrats Downing family, I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sour Cream Banana Bread
3 days ago
1 comment:
That picture of Will is priceless (and I love the new one of the two of you too!!!) So sorry you are so far away from that sweet baby and his mom! Happy birthday!!
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