Monday, August 2, 2010


With all my medical stuff that is happening lately, my doc has ordered quite a few tests.  She is basically going down her list of "could be's", starting with the worst and so on and so forth.  We had a scare with the test for blood clots in my lungs but it turns out they are all clear.  So, she has moved on to my heart.  Today I had an ultrasound done on my heart.  It went ok and am hoping to have the results back soon.  However, the outfit they make you wear to have this test done is horrid.  A well built man who loves his abs must have created this sucker.  I was thinking I would have a hospital gown or something similar.  Boy was I ever wrong!  This thing, this tiny thing was made out of tissue paper.  I was so scared of ripping it in 2 and being completely naked by the time to technician came in.  With the size of this thing though, I might as well have been naked.  The thing barely came together in the front and you couldn't pull it shut, again, tissue paper.  And not only did it not come together all the way in the front but it went maybe 2 inches below the chest line.  Like one of those half shirts from the eighties, only made out of tissue paper and lord knows I am not looking like I did in the eighties.  My muffin top was out in full force for all the world to see.  I am sure the technician was able to find where to put her doppler by following the map laying before her, otherwise known as my pasty skin riddled with proof of 3 babies grown inside.  Like having a heart ultrasound isn't bad enough but they need to make you nervous before they even enter the room.  I was mortified!!!

1 comment:

daniela said...

How awful! why haven't you called me about this. What happened? do you need me to come up or take care of the girls? But on the upside i'm sure your baby map looks better than mine.=) and i've only had two.=) I was mortified by my baby marks too when i was in the hospital and i kept having 6 doctors come in lifting up my gown to check out my incisions. damn them.

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