Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Walking Through Grief

Sunday morning came with horrible news, my Grandfather who my family lovingly referred to as Papa since before I was born went to be with our good Lord in Heaven.  He had been sick for years and recently took a turn for the worse so we all knew it would happen soon but we didn't expect it to be so soon.  My Papa was a strong man, a family man.  A man who loved his wife, children and grandchildren and who loved to keep his Norwegian roots deeply rooted within his offspring.  I have so many wonderful memories with him and don't know how this life is going to be without him.  I do know that it will be a long walk down grief road, a road filled with wishes of hugs and words of advice that will no longer be.  When you say your prayers at night, please remember to send a quick one for me and my family so the road we are now walking down may not be as bumpy as it feels right now.

1 comment:

Launa said...

You know you all are in our prayers!!
Lots of hugs coming your way!

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