We have an incredible restaurant down here. It is a on a street that leads straight to the pier at the beach and sits between other restaurants and beach shops and the trees are filled with twinkle lights. I feel so blessed living only 5 minutes from this street and sometimes pretend that I live in one of the super cool apartments that sit above the shops so that when street festivals are happening that I can just throw some clothes on and head downstairs to be part of it all. I like to pretend this when I am pulling into my parking space, I gaze up at the light shining out onto the street and hear the laughter of twenty somethings inside having the time of their lives. It is then that I turn off my SUV and proceed to unbuckle small kiddos so that we can go have some dinner. My single twenty something living in a cool pad on a cool street bubble officially popped. But, it is ok. Because there is something that those twenty somethings don't have. They don't have three incredible little girls who join me for dinner and draw cute little stick people on their place mats. and they definitely don't have the moment when my older girl says she wants to take a picture by the fire (which was convenient since our table was nestled right up to it, I didn't even have to get out of my seat to take the picture) with her younger sister and when the picture was about to be taken, she does this......
I love when my girls love on each other!! Especially when it is not prompted by me yelling "why don't you actually look like you love your sister!" So, to those twenty somethings I say, yes, I may be envious of your sweet non-responsibility lives but I have one pretty sweet life too. Now excuse me while I go wipe the snotty nose of my youngest, she has a bit of a nose issue this morning, try not to be envious.
Oh, and by the way, if you ever are in southern California near the beach and see the restaurant Beachfire, I highly recommend that you go in, request a seat by the fireplace and definitely order the calamari, it is to die for!!!!!!!
Sour Cream Banana Bread
3 days ago
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