Ever since our oldest was about 4 years old, when we would be out shopping and pass by a Claire's store, we would ask if she wanted to get her ears pierced. She said yes, until we explained that it would mean a needle in her ears. I know some parents don't tell their kids ti will hurt but I didn't want to lie to her and then have her be mad at me. So, it has always been a no. We have done the same thing for our second little one. And we have always had the same reaction, NO!!! So, we eventually stopped asking. Well, 2 weeks ago I was at the mall with my two younger girls just walking around and we happened to pass by a Claire's store. Next thing I hear is "mom, can I get my ears pierced today", I stopped. "Are you sure? You do realize they will put needles in your ears" Which was followed by an "I know, I am a big girl, it will be fine". So, we went into the store and started browsing the piercing area. "Are you sure you still want to do this?" "Yes, I want to!!!" So, I put her in the chair they have and we waited for the lady to finish up with her customer. She was very excited to be sitting in the chair.
Once the lady came over with the forms, I told my girl that she couldn't back out once I signed everything and she let me know that she was ready. However, there was only one girl working and I knew that they needed to have both ears done at the same time. There was no way that once she felt the first one that she would let her do the second one. So, she called to a girl who was working in the Claire's kiosk in the mall and she came down to help out. And with that, my little girl seemed to grow up a little bit before my eyes.
And the thing is, I expected a fit. I expected crying and sobbing and plenty of "ow's" but it didn't happen. She almost sat there in a state of shock and with one single tear falling down her cheek, she whispered "ow". It was then that my momma heart turned to mush and I felt horrible. How could I let her do this?! how could I willingly let her get hurt? I picked her up out of the chair and hugged her tight. I told her how brave she was and how pretty her ears looked. That didn't seem to work, so I asked her if she needed something else from the store. I know, I am a huge sucker because of course she said yes. So, with new earrings, a pink fluffy pen and a new Dora diary, we left the store.
She has done pretty well with them. She did take them out once, she swore she didn't do it and that they just flew out of her ears, haha. But, they quickly went back in and we cleaned them really good. We have just a little over 4 weeks and then we will be able to go and get her a new pair, she is hoping they have Beiber earrings, lol.
Sour Cream Banana Bread
3 days ago
1 comment:
Oh my goodness... she is so sweet!! And that last picture of her is great. She looks like a big girl!! Wow!
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