My girl is getting older and has amazed me with some of the things she is into now. She is not a girl who has a ton of friends and her close friends that she plays with everyday are 3 boys. I am not alarmed, they are mean like girls are and she has had a hard time with some of the girls in her grade so for her, I am sure it is a safe haven of sorts. There is one boy in particular, Adam, he has been in her class for the past couple of years until this year. They really hit it off. According to Cass in a story she wrote that was in her open house folder, Adam and her are best friends because he is different like her. Adam and Cass also both go to special ed together and while I would like to say these 2 are normal, I am sure they get told otherwise by their peers. I think they have the unspoken connection of 2 kids who have slight differences than the "normal" kids and so they have gravitated to one another. The other day Cass came home sad, it turns out that Adam is moving. My heart broke for my girl. As an adult, saying goodbye to friends is never easy, for her I am sure it hurts more. This boy has been her best friend, her safe place at school, someone she relates too. Then she showed me her arm, "mom, look what Adam bought me" Placed on her sweet little wrist was her very first friendship bracelet. "He said he wanted me to have it so I could always remember him".........we were in the car so between having to drive and having my 3 girls stare at me, I decided the ugly cry was out of the picture. How sweet is this boy?! The school is selling friendship bracelets, I am not sure who it is benefiting, but he thought about my girl and wanted her to have something to remind her of him. That next morning, I gave her some money so she could do the same and when she came home, she had another. I guess he wanted to buy her another one after she bought him one. I die!!!!!! Why does he have to move?!!! It saddens my heart for her.
Now, here is the funny part. When we were talking about him yesterday, she told me how when he gets to San Diego, yadda yadda yadda, I had to stop her. San Diego? "Baby, that is great news!!!!" For those of you who have no clue where I live, it is not far at all from San Diego. If someone in San Diego called me right now and wanted to have lunch, it would be completely possible. She may not be at the same school with him anymore and yes, she will have to make new friends and hopefully they are as kind, but I am hoping his parents will be on board for us to get the kids together every now and again. I cannot see her saying a forever goodbye to this sweet boy!!!!
Now I know some of you are thinking it is more, that these two may have a sweet innocent school crush on one another and that may be so, but how cute are they? Crushes at that age are innocent and they play star wars and battle swords for goodness sakes, it is fun. Play on sweet children!!!
Sour Cream Banana Bread
3 days ago
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