9 years ago I was thrilled when I found out I would be having a beautiful baby girl. 4 years later I was a little disappointed to find out that it was another girl, but I was content and was happy my older girl would have a sister to bond with. When my third turned out to be a girl, I was devastated. I know a lot of you will think of how selfish and sick that sounds but I had my heart set on a boy. When trying to get pregnant, I tried everything written on how to conceive a boy and I even started calling my belly the little boys name I had picked out. So when the ultrasound tech asked if I wanted to know what I was having, my exact words were "Of course, I mean, I already know it is a boy, but you can just confirm that for me", the poor lady had no clue what to say, I feel so bad for putting her in that spot. She looked at my two girls in their with me and said "looks like another little princess is joining the family". I about died and asked her to check a couple more times. How had I been so wrong, I was not meant to have three girls, I needed my boy!! I know I heard God laughing at me that day, wondering how on earth I thought it was up to me. Now that my girls have grown some, there have been many times that I have looked at them and knew it was exactly how it is supposed to be. I look at my baby and think, there is no way I can picture having a boy. Last night, we celebrated. My oldest will be going into fourth grade after summer vacation and my middle one into kindergarten. And how do girls celebrate? Girls night in of course! We put on jammies, rented and movie and ate junk food to our hearts content. Right before bed time, I chased the girls around the house and we ended up in my room. At one point I was crawling on the floor about to jump up onto my bed where they were huddled and I knew I had to get my camera. As I sprang up to shrieks of laughter, I saw my three little blessings holding on to one another and giggling. It was a picture perfect moment and it was drilled into my head yet again, it is supposed to be like this. Would I love to have a little boy? I think ti would be amazing to have a son, to watch a boy grow into a man and make a life for himself but I am perfectly content with my girls, I couldn't imagine my life without it being with them. As soon as the laughter died down, I did go get my camera and we had fun taking pictures. And another thing about having all girls? Taking pictures is a breeze, they all sat with me as we took a picture, looked at it and said "lets try that again" 15 tries later and we finally got some with all of us in it. In all the chaos that is my life right now, I feel so happy that I have these three blessings in my life!
Sour Cream Banana Bread
3 days ago
1 comment:
That is a beautiful picture that you will cherish for a very long time!!! And you look gorgeous and happy (woohoo!!!)
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