A little over 2 years ago, while we were still living outside of Chicago, in the middle of a freezing cold blizzard like winter, a friend of ours had a sweet little puppy dropped on their doorstep. The weather was ridiculously freezing and she heard the doorbell ring around 9 at night on a weekday. Her husband went to go see who it was and only found a small dirty box with dirty towels and a tiny puppy inside. They thought it was a joke, who does that? But they brought her in and fed her and gave her a nice place to sleep for the night. The next day she let us know and we decided she was going to be our dog. The girls lovingly named her Minnie and she instantly became a part of our family. She quickly grew from a small 10 pound puppy to a 68 pound super puppy. She came along with us on our trip from Illinois to California and loved every stop when she would be able to get out, run and eat yummy food. In-n-out fries were a favorite of hers. However, after moving in to our new place, we had our third little girl, Cassidy had the roughest year of her life after being diagnosed with Epilepsy, which meant many appointments away from home and currently we will be adding Kendall's school into the mix. All the while, our sweet Minnie stays home.....alone. We have been feeling so guilty. She is such an amazing dog and deserves a lot more attention than what she has been given lately. So, we sought out a new home and last night we found the perfect match. The couple doesn't have any kids and the husband is going to be heading out on deployment soon. They loved her the minute they walked in the door. She quickly turned over for a belly rub and was in love. She is even going to have her own room I guess. I was just thrilled to know she will be in a loving home with plenty of attention!!! But, I cried as if I lost one of my own babies!!! I think she knew she was leaving us. She normally loves to go outside and run so when she sees her leash, she gets all excited and will sit for you to be able to put it on. Last night, as soon as she saw it, she started running from us and barking. We eventually got it on her, and her new parents took her and out her in their car. As soon as it pulled away, I cried. I cried like someone took my child from me. I knew I loved my little Minnie but I didn't know how bad it would be to have her leave. The girls are devastated but I know they will eventually be ok with it. We have great memories of our sweet girl and those can never be taken away!!!
Sour Cream Banana Bread
3 days ago
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