I recently finished reading The Shack by William Paul Young. It is an amazing book! All of my fellow Christians will really appreciate it, however it is also written so that those who are non-Christian may enjoy it as well. The story follows a man named Mackenzie who has suffered through what he calls the "The Great Sadness". It takes him on a journey to the shack where he discovers a lot about himself, his faith and life in general. The story hopefully will strengthen your faith or maybe even bring you to a relationship with God you haven't had before. And if none of that happens, it is still a wonderful read!!!!!
Sour Cream Banana Bread
3 days ago
I ADORED The Shack! My favorite part if where "papa" explains his patience with him. I can't remember the exact quote but it was something like "I knew it would take you 40 no's before you gave me a yes. So everytime you said no, I knew I was one no closer to the yes." Amazing read, I started off crying so hard I had to wipe my eyes to see to keep reading (my daughter was 6 at the time and it was a hard part to get through) but by the end I was crying with joy, just as hard.
Definitely amazing!!!!!
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