If you have not registered and are a part of House Party, I strongly recommend it. It is a free site and basically, they send you invitations to host a party for a specific company. You fill out an application and then if you "win" the party, you get a ton of stuff from that company sent to your door for you to hand out to guests at your awesome party. And it is not a hoax type of thing. A couple of months ago I won a Febreze house party which was awesome and this past week I received my goods to host my World Vision house party. If you are not familiar with World Vision, it is a Christian based company that you can go through to sponsor children who are in need in other countries. Did you know that 26,000 children under the age of 5 will die from hunger or another preventable disease? When you sponsor a child, it will provide them with clean water, nutritious food, education, basic health care and spiritual encouragement. It is also a way for us who are privileged to bestow our blessings that we receive back onto others who are not as fortunate. Through World Vision, their sponsorship is $35 a month. I know many of you are skeptical, as was I, that the money would basically all go back to the company and a tiny amount would get sent to the child and their family. In fact, 86-89% of all money sent is sent directly to the child and their family. And when sponsoring a child, you get a welcome kit with the photo and info about your sponsored child, the opportunity to write letters back and forth and even possibly e-mail them and annual progress reports on your child. I think it is an amazing opportunity to help out. If you would like to know more, you could always go to the World Vision website. And if you would like to ask me, I have a ton of info, along with some cool World Vision swag.......
To pass along to others, I have shopping totes, some pictures of needy children, awesome bracelets, brochures for Women of Faith conferences (which look awesome and I am thinking of going, come with me!) and nifty World Vision spatulas. And if you decide to sponsor a child, I have cute key chains as well. I know that many of you cannot afford to spend any more money, we are all struggling these days, but if you can fit it into your budget, I know it would make a world of difference to a child in need, their family and hopefully the world.
Sour Cream Banana Bread
3 days ago
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