Thursday evening my mom came to watch the girls and Will and I left for 3 whole days. We had never left before, maybe for a couple of hours but that is it, and that has been since Cassidy was born which is almost 8 years!!!! So, it was long overdue and it was fantastic. I did cry for the first 30 minutes of the drive, I felt guilty leaving my girls and Cass was sad when we left so that didn't help. We arrived at our hotel (the Wynn Encore) around 11:30. How fantastic is that freakin hotel? I felt like a superstar!!!!! The place was absolutely gorgeous and our room was not only swanky, but huge!!!!!!!!!!! Waiting for me on the table was a bottle of champagne and 2 glasses and a note that read "Happy Birthday, lets have a great weekend"............what a husband!!!!!! After drinking almost the whole bottle (we were not alone in this, my Aunt and Grandma were there as well, haha), but still, a whole flippin bottle, haha, ok, after the bottle we headed down to the casino floor and walked around our gorgeous hotel. Not too much action going on considering it was a Thursday but we did see 2 hookers and tons of stuff I wanted to buy :) We ended up going to bed around 2:30am.
Friday morning was early for me, I couldn't sleep that well, even though the bed was to die for. But, I woke up early and pretty soon everyone else was up too. I took a shower in the most awesome shower ever known to man and we headed downstairs to the buffet. By this time it was late morning/mid afternoon so it was part breakfast, part lunch. I had a couple of mimosas (ok, 3, hehe) and indulged in bacon, sushi, ceviche, hash browns, pot stickers, french toast and a baileys panna cotta. Yes, I know this is a little much but it is Vegas so that means there is absolutely no fat or calories, plus I was minus kids and up a few mimosas :) After the buffet we went and checked out a couple of hotels. We shopped a bit in the Venetian and walked the strip. My Aunt needed a nap and my Grandma wanted to go into a casino down the strip so Will and I went back to the Wynn and played some slots. This was my first time gambling and it was actually a ton of fun!!! I don't want to say I am a huge gambler but it was fun! Then my Aunt told me that her and my cousins had arrived so we drove over to their hotel to meet up. We got ready and went to a place called Carnival Court which sits in between Harrahs and the Imperial Palace. It was fun. Drinks in Vegas are ridiculous, so much money!!!! But we had a little and danced a lot. Which then followed by dinner at TGI Fridays. After dinner I learned to play black jack which was fun, but I sucked at it!!!!!!!!! So, we went back to the Wynn and Will and I went to a bar with my cousins. I think we came in around 3am.
Saturday I woke up to a text from my Aunt at 9:30 saying breakfast in an hour and a half. Dead tired I got everyone else up. We showered and met them at TGI Fridays for breakfast. Then a little more gambling while we waited for the cousins to d=finish getting ready and then we went to the Luxor so we could see the Bodies exhibit. It was so interesting and sad all at the same time. After that we went back to the Wynn and me and my cousin headed for our show, La Reve. Soooo cool. The story was a bit weird but the show was fantastic. The people in the show are amazingly talented!!!! After that it was time for dinner and we went to the Palms. After dinner Will really wanted to go see the Hart and Huntington tattoo shop so we went to go look............and he got a tattoo!!! He has always wanted to get my initials on his wrist, and so he did. After that, we drove over to Fremont street and looked around a bit. Then we went back to get some sleep, I think that was around 2:30am.
Sunday was the the day to go home so we got up and packed and headed out. On our way out we stopped at the titanic museum which was awesome and also did a little more shopping. I think we got home around 5pm and the girls were ecstatic. Cassidy actually jumped in my arms :) We did an easy dinner, ordering pizza and pretty much died on the couch.
Another thing that happened in Vegas.............swollen tongue. Friday evening I noticed my tongue hurt and was starting to swell. Today it is horribly swollen, has bumps all over it and seems to be traveling down my throat. I went to the er last night and after barely even looking at me, decided nothing was wrong. I forgot that nothing wrongs looks horribly bad. So, we will see. I was so happy we had a great weekend and I think a yearly Vegas trip may be in order.