My friend Daniela moved out here a couple of weeks ago. I met her when we lived in Illinois and I am so excited that she is out here now!!!! And, around 3:30am this morning I got a phone call from her telling me that she was having contractions. That is my cue to get down to San Diego so I can watch her sweet little daughter Nastaja. So, I got ready, packed some things for the kiddos and stuck them all in the car. No one went back to sleep. Kendall was excited to see the baby, Cassidy just wanted to chat and Hayley I think was mesmerized by the lights. Plus she got to get up and have mommy giving her attention so I am sure that kept her up too. She didn't want to sleep last night. She hasn't been feeling well and I thought our bed would help her sleep, instead she tried climbing the headboard :) Anyways, we got to the hospital and ran into Daniela's husband Yancy and Nastaja and I took all the girls to breakfast. Everyone was looking at me and I got a few, "oh my, all girls". To which I had to laugh. Yancy is white and Daniela is Hispanic so Nastaja has the pretty olive skin and brown eyes, put her in with me and my girls and would you really assume she is mine? Granted, she was alone with me, but wouldn't you think I was watching her? Well, I guess that would be racist and to be honest I kind of liked thinking of having 4 kids, lol. No, I am not getting pregnant, so no assumptions please. As we went to pay, I had a tray of food for 5 people (Hayley loves her some scrambled eggs and pancakes) plus glasses of milk and balancing it on one hand to try to push a stroller as well. And get 3 girls to follow and not run into anyone. We reached the cashier and I was told, they only accept cash, which I had none of on me. After asking and finding the ATM and making sure I had less than a $20 (they wont take anything bigger than a ten, pshaw) I made it back to the cashier. Our food was cold of course but the total of everything was seriously only $3.48. They had to weigh the fruit I ordered so I thought that alone would be the $3 but the whole thing, pancakes, eggs, bacon, milk and fruit!!!! For 5 people!!! Not that the food was anywhere near good, especially cold, but if that hospital was closer, I would think of hitting it up a couple of times when we eat out, that is so cheap!!!!!!! After breakfast we went up to the labor and delivery ward and they actually let us in her room, kids and all. She said she was dilated at 6. I gave her tummy a rub, kissed her forehead and took the girls to the waiting area to watch a movie. She was in labor at 3am and still managed to think to bring a dvd player and movies, that woman rocks!!!!!! Halfway through the movie Yancy came to say they broke her water. It only seemed like 20 minutes later and he came back to say she was here. Arabella Forbes was born weighing in at 9 pounds 1 ounce, and she is gorgeous. Yes, they let us all back in the room after!! Nastaja was already a wonderful big sister kissing her little cheeks and I was able to hug both mama and baby. Plus they got a big cuddly pink teddy bear, the girl needs to be spoiled of course!!!!! The next thing I am looking forward to is calling Julie in Japan to let her know and then hopefully get news in the next couple of weeks that she had her baby. Its kind of making me wish I had Hayley now so all our kids would be the same age!!! But no, no more babies for us :) I think Will would have a heart attack :)
Sour Cream Banana Bread
3 days ago
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