Today was an appointment with Cassidy's neurologist. She was pretty concerned with how things have been going and saw how shaky she was. She asked her to put blocks together and even that small task made her super shaky. She decided that she would like to slowly take Cassidy off of the Keppra and just keep her on her new med, the Zarontin. Within 6 days she should be completely only on the one and hopefully with good results. In one week we will get labs done and hopefully an EEG after if we see that she is doing good on just the Zarontin. Her neurologist is up in Long Beach which is where my mom lives so we stayed up there for a nice lunch and did some shopping at Belmont Shores. It was such a pretty day out today. While some places are stuck in snow still or at least have warm jackets on, we here were wearing tank tops and flip flops because it was 80 degrees at the beach!!!!!! I seriously love living here :)
Sour Cream Banana Bread
3 days ago
1 comment:
Love that pic! So cute!
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