Yes, it is my birthday and yes, I wished myself a good one :) Moving on..........Saturday was rainy so cookie booths were cancelled. Which meant my cousins could come down earlier than expected and we could go shopping. So, they came down, we left and on our way to the mall I stopped for gas. That's when Will called. He said I needed to come back home because he had just been called into work. On a Saturday at 2 in the afternoon? A little strange right? So, we came back and he left. That's when I got a text saying he found out that one guy in his command had got a DUI and caused an accident. Thankfully everyone was ok, but still pretty bad!!! On that same night another guy in his command got drunk (he was also under age) and decided to pull down his pants and kick in a nail salon door. Yes, this is pretty bad but it made me laugh more than I have in a while. You decide to get drunk and do something stupid and your choice is to go pants less in a nail salon, and getting in by kicking down the door? I think I might just want to meet this guy. Needless to say, the shopping trip was not going to be ruined, just added on by 3 more little people. Will was eventually able to come home (they just needed 100% accountability and to make the morons feel crappy in front of everyone, I am sure this morning was a great one for them) and then he met us at the mall. Then on Sunday my family had us over for dinner and cake. I must admit, I felt a little awkward and like a loser. I don't think they were planning on doing anything like that and then Will opened his mouth and well, I already told you the rest. But, it was a great night, they all made me feel so special!!!!!!!!! Oh, and my Aunt got her new washer and dryer, they are my dream machines!!!! The darn thing even sang a cute little song when the load was done!!!!!!!! So, that brings us to today. Will has told me Happy Birthday every chance he can get and had a beautiful card sitting on top of my new beautiful bible this morning. I know some of you might say "really?! You are excited over a bible on your birthday" and to that I will say "YES!!!!", lol. I have never had a bible of my own and now I do, and it is leather bound in dark brown with a pink closure. I love it!!!!!! He told me earlier too that our friend Lynne will be here at 6 to watch our girls so to be ready.....................I am kinda excited I must admit!!!! I hate not knowing things that are happening, I am a complete planner. But the mystery of something fun happening on my behalf and i have no control makes me a little giddy!!!! So, on that note, I really need to bathe, hahahahaha. My cousin bought me this amazingly good smelling bath stuff from Victoria's Secret that I cant wait to use!!!!!!!
Sour Cream Banana Bread
3 days ago
1 comment:
YEAH! HAPPY BIRTHDAY sweet friend of mine! I hope you have a wonderful time tonight!! Hope to see you soon!
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