Being a mom and having to discipline never takes a day off I have learned. Even on my birthday, my horns had to come out, did the attitude party not know it was a special day and maybe they should lay off and leave my children alone? Of course not!! I am pretty sure they will have to come out even while we are gone this weekend. Lord help my poor mother, lol. Normally the girls would be on their best behavior because they normally are when they are around others, however, they have become very accustomed to having grandma around lately so I think the nice factor has worn off. Anyways, yesterday was great. Will had called our dear friend Lynne a week ago (yes people, he PLANNED AHEAD OF TIME). Even Lynne said how amazed she was that a husband planned ahead to make a special birthday night, lol. She came over around 6 and off to went, to places unknown for me, lol. We didn't go far, just out in downtown San Clemente to a street called Del Mar. It is your typical beach street, tons of cute little shops and places to eat and all the trees have twinkle lights in them. We stopped in a couple of stores to browse and then found the place we wanted to eat. It was called Nic's and was dark with candles on the tables and a fireplace on their patio. We asked for a table near the fireplace but had to wait so we went to go walk around some more while we waited. We ended up across the street at a wine bar and did a little wine tasting. Can I just tell you how grown up I felt, I felt like giggling the whole time. I had never been wine tasting in my life. I took a small sip of the first wine and then had to whisper to Will if I was allowed to drink it all or did I need to swish and spit. Don't tell me that never happened to you on your first wine tasting. I just kept thinking of the move Drop Dead Fred (love by the way!!! so hilarious!) and the wine tasting party they went to where everyone was spitting. He informed me that I was indeed allowed to drink it all. We each had 4 tastings, mine was whites and his was reds. I have never liked red wine and the wine guy told me after I tried some of his I would...............yeah, that didn't happen. I did however fall in love with a rose wine, we even bought a bottle to bring home, maybe I shall take it to Launas tomorrow morning for our coffee date, 9:30 isn't too early right? hahahaha. Anyways, dinner was awaiting after the wine tasting so we walked back across the street and sat at our table for 2. TABLE FOR 2 PEOPLE!!!!!!!! How long has that been? It was so strange to not have to make a million potty breaks and cut food into smaller pieces and make bottles and try not to have our kids screaming during the whole meal. We even had grown up food!!!! We both ordered Filet's, mine with a bleu cheese crust, his with butter. They both came with baked potatoes and fire roasted veggies. I was so excited to brussel sprouts on my plate!!!! I think I am one of the weird ones who actually enjoys the brussell sprout, I can eat them all day every day. And to have it fire roasted was so yummy!!! Oh, and we had fried asparagus for an appetizer. Then after dinner, I found it weird the lady didn't ask if we wanted dessert. I told Will I thought it was fishy and he did the worst cover up. I knew he had mentioned my birthday to someone. So, 5 minutes later and lady brings a hot fudge sundae with a candle in it. The wind kept blowing it out so she lit it a million times, but it was super sweet. After that we headed home to find out that Cass had lost her tooth and Hayley had given Lynne a heart attack when she fell and hit her head :( She was fine but I am sure you can understand the fear of doing that to someone elses child. My worst fear, she ended up having to go in our bedroom with the girls to get to our bathroom to brush their teeth before bed!!!! Mondays are not good clean house days. at least upstairs. I take all the laundry and dump it in our room to sort and hopefully get done. It didn't get done. And the bathroom counter top was filled to capacity with crud. I had meant to lock our door, knowing the girls might try to get in and Lynne would be shocked by the nastyness. She did say it looked like I needed help with laundry, I tried to explain it was my Monday thing but I am sure she knew I was making excuses, lol. So, needless to say, i was mortified and will never again leave my door open, yeah, I know, I should say I will have all the laundry done and bathroom picked up but that would just be a crazy promise I would break immediately :) So, on to another day. I am going to finish laundry (no promise made) and spend time with my girls :)
Sour Cream Banana Bread
3 days ago
1 comment:
Love the part about the laundry!! And that pic of H is priceless! so cute!
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