Sunday, November 21, 2010


I planned on a fun post, a post that embarrasses me but that will need to wait.  For  am one exhausted momma.  My oldest had a sleep over last night and at one point I found 29 empty candy wrappers scattered about my floor.  And because my oldest was having a friend over, my middle asked if she could have a sleep over with me.   How could I not oblige when her baby blues look right at me smiling?!  So, with Toy Story 3 in hand and bowl of popcorn we had ourselves a great night, we watched, we ate, we chatted like old girlfriends, it was great.  Then we tried to sleep......I think she slept.  But with a constant foot in my side and arm across my face, I didn't get much sleep.  So, I sit here wanting to talk about my latest adventures but all I want to do is cuddle up under my covers and wait for Monday to come.  However, that never happens with 3 kids, one who has had way too much sugar that it may not wear off until next week.  See you tomorrow everybody.

1 comment:

Launa said...

I was gonna post yesterday, but got distracted... hehe! Anyways, it sounds like you had a lot of fun even if you didn't get much sleep! Miss ya girlie!

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